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When worker 16 goes up, problem happens and all workers go offline)

Hi I have a big problem when worker 16 goes up all network goes down and all jobs go offline

Error: The server or Your network is temporary DOWN

a single worker drop all other workers

Possibly a network/ip conflict? You can run net-test from the rigs and see what the issue they’re having is, whether it’s disconnecting from the router or from the hive api server etc etc.

You can also try setting static addresses and see if it helps if it is a conflict.

Is not a conflict a see in dhcp when 16 work up all network down, i try change to IP static

15 work fine.
16th breaks the whole environment.
…and you believe it is HiveOS having issues?

Eliminated the basic networking issues?
Have you swapped #16 position with #15?
Sniffer/packet capture on that wire?
Switch percentage load, drops, retransmits,errors per port, …

Good evening, I disabled the onboard network of the motherboard, and I put a wifi usb tplink so I solved the problem

Bummer when hardware fails us. Glad you found a solution!