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What could high LA cause if hashrate is normal?

Yesterday I siwched my card to dual mining, and today i see there are serveral rigs show High LA, but the hashrate of GPU are normal, seems nothing have been affected, so in this case what does this high LA mean?

load average is just the amount of work being done by the cpu over x amount of time. if you have a slow usb drive or old processor it can cause this, as long as the load average isnt continually increasing and your hashrates are normal its not an issue.

so this load average is only related to cpu, and has nothing to do with gpu, understand, thank you!

For th most part yeah, poor overclocks can cause the cpu to hang if things aren’t working as intended. So it can be a byproduct of the gods, but the actual load average itself is just the amount of load on the cpu over x amount of time

I’d say even driver errors can cause LA, i’ve experienced before in LA because of bad overclock.
You have to worry about it if it’s very high because it usually freezes your pc which means you have to manually shutdown