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What can i do?

Hi everyone dear miners, this 3090 is drive me crazy , i cant flash new bios or something. My card not mining . Any one tell me what is solve ?

Is it dual bios? Have you tried flashing the bios? What led up to it not working?

Its not dual , i try flash bios but not accept.

Adapter error or miss display adapter , i cant sleep cause this card :sweat_smile:

After change thermal pad i see ga102 that 3090 in my rig after i try donwload bios on hiveos ga102 . Than i thought i flash 2080ti bios or ga102 bios

If it was working before you flashed the wrong bios, try reflashing it in windows or msdos.

If it wasn’t working before you tried to flash the bios I would take it back apart and make sure you have proper thermal paste coverage and pressure on the gpu die and didn’t damage anything on the pcb

After change thermal pad give ga102 error and never change. I try on hiveos and dos command give me always same error adapter.

I try flash fresh bios no accept , do u know usefull command for dos ?

It’s probably not a bios issue at all then, you probably broke it when you were changing thermal pads and that’s why flashing the bios won’t work now.

How can i be sure what is problem. Any software or some method for this ?

Did you check for damage, and make sure die has proper pressure and thermal paste?

I dont know how i can check damage, how can i do this :roll_eyes:


I use odysse thermal pad 2mm and 1,5 mix in card half to half

I take a photo , may you r see something wrong?

Looks closely for any broken or loose components

I use odysse thermal pad , am i use wrong side on chips? Does it matter?

And i see 2 emty , i mark with red is it normal ?

looks normal

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