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Webinterface/SSH functionality on serverfarm

Hi guys,

Im new to HiveOS really like the Webinterface or ability to SSH into rig by a browser. I am just concerned that this might not work if I send my new rig with HiveOS to the sevrer farm/provider that should colocate my rigs (because of electricity costs).

ATM I have rigs running there and can ssh into them by opening temporary ports in a webinterface of the colocation. ports that are available and will get a random port that will be forwarded to the neccessary port are: web(80), 22(ssh), 3389(winrdp), 5900(vnc)

question is: will HiveOS need special ports to be open or does it work without opening special ports?

best regards

I know, it’s quite old, but as I came here by googeling… I supose others will as well.

If your hoster only allows SSH (22) access to your server, take a look at ssh port forwarding:

The firewall can’t distinguish what’s going over the encrypted ssh connection. One can forward any other port to the local host.