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Very little difference between my two rigs

Good morning all,
Can any of you explain to me the little difference in mining between my two machines?
(here in 7 days without interruption for both)

Screenshot_2021-02-02 Workers - Hive OS
Screenshot_2021-02-02 Workers - Hive OS(1)

thank you in advance for your time and answers

Are they Identical setups?

except by the number of cards ‘rx580 8G’ yes

I’m currently asking a similar question in another post. My rigs were combined from 2x 4gpu to 1x 8gpu and now the total shares are half for the same time period. Seems like the more gpu in a rig the less amount of shares. Perhaps the share difficulty is higher resulting in less total shares. I’m very curious about the relationship.

So we’ll have to wait for someone more qualified than us to answer :upside_down_face:

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I would say i need more data like your OC settings, what youre mining (assuming ETH, but who knows).
Were both on different wireless cards? same motherboards/ram/cpu? The details on the side by side rigs and the combined would be helpful. There is a reason and I get some degredation with a couple more cards but maybe 1-2MH, not 50%

maybe you did not understand my question, it is not at the level of the MH (1 rig 9 X rx580 8g and 1rig 4 X rx580 8g) but the number of accepted works over the same period (whereas precisely one of the two rigs is almost twice as powerful) is practically the same for both (59460 for 272MH and 58426 for 121.6MH)…
and yes ETH phoenix miner in hiveon

thank you for your time and answers

For all who would ask the same question,
I got a response from the hiveon team:

“With the latest pool update, vardiff was introduced.
This means that the earnings are affected not only by the number of correct shares sent, but also by their difficulty.
In this regard, the number of shares on the workers may vary.
For example, a worker with 6 cards and 180mh/s and a worker with 12 cards and 360mh/s.
Workers with the biggest hashrate get more difficult shares, and as a result, when compared with a worker with a smaller hashrate, they have a smaller number of shares in general.
That is, in our example: a worker with 12 cards Hello!
With the latest pool update, vardiff was introduced.
This means that the earnings are affected not only by the number of correct shares sent, but also by their difficulty.
In this regard, the number of shares on the workers may vary.
For example, a worker with 6 cards and 180mh/s and a worker with 12 cards and 360mh/s.
Workers with the biggest hashrate get more difficult shares, and as a result, when compared with a worker with a smaller hashrate, they have a smaller number of shares in general.
That is, in our example: a worker with 12 cards has100 shares in an hour, and a worker with 6 cards has 120 shares in the same period of time. But the first one earned more, as he got more difficult shares”

basically leave Hivon alone till they figure their stuff out

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