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Vega 56 and Vega 64 guide

Banhammer Thank you reposting the Automatic straps guide works perfectly (as of this post date) as the other method has very recently stopped working.

I’m trying to find a stable OC for my vega 56 with Hynix memory but seems impossible… I keep getting invalid shares and reboots every few hours. What am I doing wrong here? I’m not using straps yet.

I have a Hynix ASUS that is my worst Vega, but its stable at 47.7 with no invalids, using vsimovic’s strap here:

and these OCs:

Thanks, I’ll try it. What miner do you use? How do you change the DPM parameter?

TRM for the miner and I dont think DMP actually applies on the Vegas, that copied from a different card’s OCs when I added the Vega. Only way I know to change it or turn it off is:

  1. Find a card that has the DMP option in over clock settings
  2. Edit it to the value you want the Vega at
  3. Switch the Vega to that PCIE slot
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Hello again everyone.

I was exploring hiveos a bit and i used the amdmeminfo. It shows me that my sapphire vega 56 has this memory:

However, on the interface, it shows this memory:

I haven’t done anything with the bios or any other mods. Anybody has an explanation for this? Could I try flashing a bios for samsung memory?

Have a good day!

I tried amdmeminfo and I get the same results with my vega 56:

That’s weird…

Im using same straps but lowered rcdrd to 17 and decreased memory to 945 getting 49+mhs

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This is my result

with this straps -CL 18 --RAS 22 --RCDRD 12 --RCDWR 4 --RC 34 --RP 12 --RRDS 3 --RRDL 5 --RTP 4 --FAW 12 --CWL 6 --WTRS 4 --WTRL 9 --WR 13 --REF 65000 --RFC 249


I have the same issue. amdmeminfo is wrong. amdmemtweak is correct.

and RFC might be further reduced. I have it stable at 164.

how to make biosmod vega 56, which version would be better to update i have vega56 asus strix

That gives better hashrate?

Yes, about 0.2%… :wink:

These straps worked for me on my Sapphire 64 Nitros. Thank you for posting these. The straps in the original post in this thread wouldn’t work for me. My miner wouldn’t even start with those. I’m getting 52-53 MH currently with no modded bios. I’m pretty satisfied with that so I don’t know if I want to mess with modding them to 56 settings. Only thing is I’m getting some invalid shares every so often on two of my cards. Is that something to be concerned with? So far after about 10 min it shows 2 invalid shares on 2 of my cards.

I hope to help anyone who has memory hynix !! My Asus Strix Vega 56 HYNIX

OC: core 1100 vdd 860 mem 950

24hrs uptime 100% no reject no invalid

amdmemtweak --CL 20 --RAS 22 --RCDRD 12 --RCDWR 5 --RC 36 --RP 12 --RRDS 3 --RRDL 5 --RTP 4 --FAW 12 --CWL 6 --WTRS 4 --WTRL 9 --WR 13 --REF 65000 --RFC 249


Hi, an rcdr of 12 is more likely for samsung. For hynix you need to look for other straps with higher rcdr.
This thread above your post, but also the following one, are full of informations about our beloved Vega’s:

And then some. There is interesting guides on GitHub and other www sources. Just use Google to start understanding your Vega. If you have the patience, they are really worth it :wink:
I know it’s a lot to read, but there is no set and forget for Vega’s. Too many different things to take into account. For set and forget, you better forget about Vega’s and set another gpu type :sweat_smile:

2 in 10m is a lot IMO. I try to keep under 0.5% with a minimum testing time of 24h. But if I see 2 in 10m already, I stop and reconfigure. I have about 5 invalids in 24h on a 13gpu rig.

Or go to the overclocking tab and reset your entire OC profile. Off course first take a print screen or note down the values that do work. Then enter the desired OC values again, but DPM won’t be on the Vega.

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So I found out that if I lower the mem clock on boot to around 1000 and then increase back to 1060 after about 5 min it doesn’t get invalid shares but that’s a bit annoying to have to do. Not sure if there’s a way around that but it’s been working so far.