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Vega 56 and Vega 64 guide

tried with vega rig and the other with 5xx cards, couldnt det either to mine. Dont want to loose more time from eth mining so must try again later whaen i have more details about settings for Ego. thanks for the info :slightly_smiling_face:

My gigabyte vega64(flash to 56) can’t run stable on ERG TT
core 1225 vdd850 mem 847
don’t use timming and tried every timing that i know.

what timings that i can do? any suggest?

Gigashit Windforce 2? If so, sorry man… This ist the worst card i have ever tried to use. i endet up selling them and buying a other modell…

maybe mor vdd can help. 1225 Caore and 847 Mem should be posible with any card.

I m using standard straps vor Samsung.

Good Luck

try this, core at 1300 vdd 810 mem 955 with straps:

amdmemtweak --CL 20 --RC 37 --RP 11 --WR 14 --CWL 8 --FAW 12 --RAS 20 --REF 65535 --RFC 239 --RTP 5 --RRDL 6 --RRDS 3 --WTRL 9 --WTRS 4 --RCDRD 11 --RCDWR 11 using lastest vers of TRM as of writting hope to be of help

gaming oc but heat sink same wind force so sad i think i must sell it soon.

mining ERGO graph like this is normal?


yes, even mine is like this, I’m using trm,

Hi everyone,
I also using TRM for ERGO and I have some problems with the hashrate and voltage.
First my 5 Vegas 64 are mining since the 2017 so they are a little tired. My core voltage is not that great.
For ETH 1050Mhz 937mV. For ERG 1450Mhz 950mV. All my cards are water cooled and kept in server room at 18°C. Now, I have two rigs. One, X79 Xeon E5-1680 v2 4x Vega , second one X570 Ryzen 9 5950x 1x Vega.
All my Vegas 64 are on reference PCB. 2 x Sapphire, 2x MSI, 1x unknown. Using HiveOS.
Since the reference Vega 56 bios has a power limit of 165W with my voltage I could not got a 200Mhz within that power limit.
After some research I have found that the bios from VGA Bios Collection: Powercolor RX Vega 56 8 GB | TechPowerUp can be safely flashed to the reference PCB cards lifting up the power limit to 260W.

However I have a problem with one of the cards. It is hashing much slower and somehow the hashrate is limited to around 185MH.
At the beginning of my ERG mining I have started at 165MH and slowly went above 190MH. Except the “0” one. I was at the stock 56 flash. Re-flashed to Powercolor. No change. I thought it is a matter of the monitor which was connected to that card. The same with no monitor. There is no problem with the hashrate on ETH.
So I decided to look into the p-state info since i remembered that mining Lyra2z Vega needed to be at the highest 7th p-state.
Hive OS info states that the default p-state is 5th p-state.
But when we OC my Vega is not at 7th or even 5th p-state despite what we set in OC menu.
It can be seen using amd-info tool.

That revealed that my “0” card does not clock to the same freq even that it is set to 1450Mhz.
But despite I tried there is no way to force any of those cards to work on 5th p-state or above even that the freq I set is higher that the one on the higher p-state.
Back in the day I was able to set P-state on Ubuntu but not on HiveOS.
I even tried ohgodatool …
It is not the problem with the driver but with the card itself.
I will explain that later.

Opened today other of my ref 56, it was concuming 136W and running hot compared to all others, temps are normal with blower i have read, but it was way too hot even with 90% fan hardly could keep it under 85deg. So i cleaned up whole gpu, circuit bord etc with propiate cleaner, changed paste and now its running with same settings 117W and temps are around 75 with 85% fan.
I have another one that is drawing 127W…i gonna do that tomorrow.
What a great outcome for a small job like that, couldn´t be more pleased with results :slight_smile:

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Anyone having issues with the last few versions of HiveOS?

I have a 4x vega 4x rx580 rig that has been stable for months. Since upgrade i keep getting dead cards, lots of restarts. Now applying straps commands dont work, either does putting them in the OC section.

What should i try? Nothing else has changed apart from the hive version. There is no roll back available now either, there used to be a list of all previous versions i could choose, not i get nothing but the latest to choose from.

When i apply straps same way i have been for months i now get this:

Fail exit code: Cannot find DRI instance for pci:0000:09:00.0

like allway with upgrade, i allso had massive amount of invalids on both rigs that have been running without any for months, it was next night after upgrade that i started to have issues…i usually dont upgrade a working machine, but on the latest was some interesting fix or featrure that got me to do it.
I managed to roll back to previous but there was no list of older versions to choose like have been before.
Last time i did upgrade, i allso started to have dead gpu´s…only thing that helped was roll back with the miner…im using TRM and if i recall right i went to vers 0.8.0 and got rid of constant dead gpu´s untill the bug was fixed…but again…imho…in new releases there is often some issues :confused:

Thanks, how do you roll back versions when it doesnt give an option? Start again with a new write to HD or what ever you are using?

Hive used to give me the drop down menu with about 20 versions, now i just have the current and nothing else.

Just changed 1 version back on tem red miner and working better already, maybe it was just TRM.

Straps working now, seems like the whole problem was the new TRM version which must have come as part of the overall upgrade.

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super noob question, I can not manage to put HIVE OS to work after apply straps, first time after a install it works, but as soon as I try to improve it stops working and I have to redownload HIVEOS to usb

I am sure it is my fault, any advice will be appreciated

set low oc and default straps for first boot so u get rig mining… then try tune for better hash. if your oc is too high, hive wont start, it stops to the point when it cheking and loading your oc.


The temperatures are currently rising. What is the maximum safe HBM2 temperature. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The max HBM temps are mentioned in the bios on techpowerup:

So 95°C seems the critical temp.

The higher you go in temperature, the more difficulties your HBM seems to have with it’s timings.
At 60°C my cards have close to 0 rejected shares per week. At 70°C they will throw a few per day. At 80°C even more.

Some say also that the longevity of the HBM degrades with higher temperatures. Some say to keep it below 80, some below 70, some at 60°C. Lots of different opinions, no facts.

I think it is something that you’ll need to evaluate for you personal. Do you want to invest a lot of money to get their temperatures down? Or are you happy with a few rejected shares at high temperatures? Or are you more happy with lowering the hash rate by lowering the wattage and the clocks?

I’ve also repasted a bunch of cards which helped a bit in their temperatures; some (not all) went down 5 to 10°C. Here outside temperatures are now also +30°C so the cards are sweating a lot and I can’t get them below 70°C anymore, some are running even around 80°C. I can’t imagine what temperatures those cards would have been if I hadn’t repasted them!

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So Vega 56s not going over 1028 is apparently a myth… just pushed my 56 Asus Strix to 1060 and its running fine


Thanks for busting the myth!
How long stable at that hash already?