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Valid shares suddenly drop

Well I purchased 16 RX 580 8gb cards from a local friend who has alot. They were used to mine for a few months, but all run great, getting just over 251mh per 8 cards in 2 server rigs.

I paid 350 per card which I know is high but still better than 4,5,600 ea. on ebay.
Anyway this may seem stupid to yall, but I have surpassed my threshold payout on ETH and cant figure for the life of me how do I cash this out?? If someone can kinda walk me over this path?

Hiveon pool / ETH

Thank you and good luck all!

Allow maybe one extra day for the Hiveon pool to pay you. It may take some delay but don’t worry, it will land.

Once you have your 0.1 ETH paid on your wallet, you can then transfer those to the wallet address that will show up under an exchange account of yours (typically Binance or Coinbase)

(Binance automatically creates a wallet address for each crypto you have in there, look under Wallet → Overview → Deposit. You may initially have to buy a few € worth of ETH to get it created.

Once you have your 0.1 ETH on Binance, sell for the Fiat ($, €, etc) that you want, then IBAN the fiat to your bank account, et voila!

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Daily payout cut off times:

How are payments made and in what amount?

Payments are made daily at 07:33 GMT+0, provided that the balance is at least 0.1 ETH or 1 ETC at the time of fixation. The fixation time is 06.33 GMT+0 for ETC and ETH. If you have not reached the minimum payout threshold at the moment of fixation, the funds will be paid the next day (if you reach the threshold). You can check the local time for your time zone, for example, here.

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Yes, I also see a 2-fold drop in the hash rate on my farm, but the pool payout remains the same.

The pool threshold is set to a 0.1 eth. It’s not dependent on your hashrate. What GPU are you mining on though?

HI @aharrison ,

have you got an update about the VarDiff thing from support?

(Happy weekend!=

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Still no news or update on Vardiff. My opinion and just my opinion is that they are not going to turn it back on.

On a side note. I also asked about what happens if ETH 2.0 comes out and I still have less than the payout threshold of 0.1 ETH. Their response was that they will not payout less than threshold. Not a great answer. So I take that as if you have less than 0.1 ETH and ETH 2.0 comes out you will be unable to get a payout and lose your profits. I will be switching pools as soon as I reach my first Payout from Hiveon. Why risk the loss? My first payout after this post will be in about 30 days.

I’ll continue to check on it with support at least once a week. I’ll make sure I post any news here.

Happy Mining! And have a good weekend!

If this is the answer to my post, then I am aware of the pool payout. I meant the fact that when the hash rate dropped by half, the pool payout interval was preserved, i.e. the cost of the hash has doubled compared to its cost before 09/21/2021.
I have Radeon cards: 400, 500 series, 5500XT.

Could someone from Hive OS team comment on what’s exactly going on?
I also see the drop in shares (Sept 21. to 23.) but I also don’t see a drop in rewards (eth/time @ same hashrate). This would indicate that reward/share has gone up at the same time, could someone pls explain?

Something’s really off still.

I see both a drop in shares and a drop in the eth/time reward.

Can’t blame it on an eventual shift of Ethereum network difficulty:

I have made a comparaison this very morning with a mate of mine, mining on Nanopool:

As this morning;

  • On Hiveon, for a constant 237mh/s, I earn 0.00474 eth a day, which is 2.000.10^(-5) eth per mh/s per day (see here).

  • On Nanopool, a friend on mined at 523mh/s for the last past 12hours (his stats here). The reported gains averaged over the last past 6 hours reads 0.01247 eth a day. That’s 2.384.10^(-5) eth per mh/s per day.

Nanopool pays 19% more than Hiveon, per mh/s . You’ll probably find a gap in that magnitude too if you compare your own eth reward per mhs with the eth/mhs rate of someone mining on an alternate pool.

It looks like the issue is ongoing still and significantly outpaces the few $ per month you pay mining outside of Hiveon when you are on the ≤4 rigs territory still.

Confirm if you notice the same gap or please let me know if I missed something in the maths above though.

very interesting @Eon046, thanks for share

for sure a kind of sh** is going on here and they are hiding

That is exactly what happened. And it was happening under VarDiff as well, if you had high MH/s rigs, you were getting harder difficulty assigned, less shares produced. It was always interesting to watch share counts across my widely varied MH/s rigs.

Have you some higher eth/mhs rates on your lower mh/s rigs?

Yes. Across 4 pools, 4 OSes, multiple miners during May-Aug 2021.

Unintentional and unscientific, but clearly visible in time to payout 0.1 ETH for similar rigs.

  • Atypical use case: target heating of a small space with a miner vs. a coil/radiant heater to prevent freezing.

Hoping ETH 2.0 difficulty bomb is delayed long enough to get me through the Winter :slight_smile:

))). The little ones will still be loaded with calculations in full, so it won’t be possible to freeze! )

I want to go back to September 21: before the drop in the hash rate on the pool, the WEB-API was unavailable for several hours, apparently the software was being updated, after which everything happened …

I hope so my friend! Frozen plumbing creates quite the mess and inconvenience.

The pool admins absolutely tweaked difficulty while disabling VarDiff over that week.

Results for me, September had (1) more payout than August, but a first day of month payout and total rig uptime were a material impact. We’ll see what October brings.

Good mining everyone!

Do not despair! I hope (as they say in Russia) everything will be fine, or everything will be very bad ))

Greetings Russia :ru: (and everyone else)

I’m running a daily comparaison of ETH reward per mh/s over time, between Hiveon and Nanopool.

I know my calculation relies on averages that are calculated over a few hours only (6 on nanopool) and could be subject to volatility.

While Nanopool was beating Hiveon by a whooping 19% Wednesday, I noticed that Hiveon has retaken the lead, beating Nanopool by 5% yesterday and 6% this morning.

(The two addresses I’m comparing are the following:
The nanopool address runs 4 strix rtx3090 O24C and one 2080 ti
The hiveon address runs 2 strix rtx 3090 O24C

I may make an script to get automated sampling to hone the tendency, but as @rvl said, there is hope!

Nice Rigs Eon046 :slight_smile:

More detailed stats to tune rigs reminds me why I prefer the Hive Interface over so many others.

Looks like the Hive Rig is tossing 3% invalids. Is that expected for this rig? In my limited experience, that variable hurts ETH output by a greater percentage than measured.

No, the 3% invalid shares on my hiveon rig isn’t expected. I’ve noticed that spike only this morning: it’s usually around 0.50 %.

(Both rigs are running on hiveOS by the way (the rig mining with nanopool is a friend’s one))

I have opened this thread about it to see it the community can spot something I’ve overlooked.

Meanwhile, even if I take 3% away from the hiveon metric, it currently doing much better than earlier this week when it was lagging 19% behind nanopool in terms of eth paid per mh/s provided.