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Update RX6800 February / 2021

I’m using the 0.6-201@210309 version and I cannot make work my 2x RX6800 with the RX5700XT. Anyone else have this issue?

Hello guys and gurlz,

I don’t really understand how you can make it working.

As reported above my rig is

  • bootlooping with ALPHA.
  • bootlooping with STABLE UPDATED (March)
  • somehow working with STABLE (Feb)

My bet is

  1. specific GPU config (some reported as soon as you add a third GPU it crashes)
  2. AMD driver issues (it should be only 20.04) - besides the AMD post to update driver is outdated as well and hive os shell commands are outdated as well for AMD
  3. Kernel issue. (it’s not included on the official doc, how to update kernel…)

So I have no way to update AMD driver or whatever once I update the image.
I’ve tried rufus and balena Etcher: same behavior.

BTW: The forum is a mess, ppl asking for OC while it is Out of Topic… Can’t somebody moderate a bit until we all have a clear understanding why 1 config is working and the other is not?

Everything stock + rig.conf with farm hash only.
Thanks @cristhianbini for the job done anyway

It is very hard to join the boat honestly with so much outdated data everywhere + hardware issues

Beta only and does not update

Put here some screens of errors that appear for you, maybe I or someone can help better seeing the screens of errors!

I have seen some people talking about having problems running different models of cards.

Do you know if only with the RX6800 is working perfectly there for you?

Yes, the two RX6800, the vega 56 and the RTX 3060 are working fine as long as I don’t mix it with the RX5700XT

I still testing the beta version 0.6-201@210309 and after 5 days running pretty stable with Phoenixminer 5.5c suddenly it stopped today, it only started working again with teamreadminer. someone with the same problem? With the Phoenx miner I get 62.5 MH in Teareadminer just 61.5 MH.

Same exact problem today. Staring crashing in a loop. Phoenixminer suddenly can’t recognize 6800 or 6800 xt. I was getting 64.5 on 6800 xt and 61 on 6800. Purged phoenix and re-installed. Hard booted the rig. No changes.

I had to change to TRM to get it working again. First couple of runs the has rate was very low. Had to reboot couple more times then TRM tuned it properly.


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O meu tambem parou hoje pela manhã, tenho placas 6800 e 580, apenas a 580 continuo funcionando. Eu precisei voltar para versao 5.4b do phoenixminer para que minhas placas voltassem a ser reconhecidas.

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Today I have finally made my RX6800XT working with the beta release.
Made a hive-replace command and did not update to the latest version.
Works with TeamRedMiner. Phoenixminer did not worked for me.
Screenshot is attached:

lower your core:

Como faço para voltar para a versão 5.4b do phoenixminer ?

Thanks, lowered the consumption and improved the MH too, but seems this one does not go beyond this:

This card seems to be really sensitive. I played with mem number quite a bit. 1070 or 1075 gave me the most on Team Red Miner. Phoenix is more, but it crashed on me and now I cant use it. So I switched to Team red miner.

Do the test on GMiner and see if it improves the MHs, this model of yours is the XT in theory it should go beyond the conventional.

tambem tive que alterar para a versão 5.4c…

Já consegui fazer funcionar a RX6800XT e funciona muito bem. Obrigado

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Hello again guys! Using your inputs I changed my OC and now I have this results! Nice, thanks guys!
The only thing is that sometimes one of the GPUs crashes and the miner reboots… dont know why.

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Look what a good result 65MHs, I have been using GMiner and I had no problems with crashing.

Before I used the RTM with the change until I got some MHs

Also got a couple of RX6800’s here, seem to be getting 63.2Mh out of each using the settings the chap before has. Any ideas on how to push closer to 65? I am using Gminer