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Unusually Low Hash Rate with Gigabyte RX-580's

Same issue for me and I cant seem to fix it 30 mh/s in windows and 20mh/s on Hive :S

Today i made a new test and when run amdinfo command seems that the GPU and memory are only working as 300MHZ and dont pass this:

=== GPU 0, 01:00.0 /sys/class/drm/card0 ===
Adapter 0: Ellesmere [Radeon RX 470/480/570/580]
Core: 1160 MHz, Mem: 2040 MHz, CoreOD: 0, MemOD: 0, Load: 100%, Temp: 65 C, Fan: 47.8431%
Core clocks: 300 1160 900 1145 1215 1257 1300 1340
Memory Clocks: 300 1000 2040
manual DPM 1 CORE 1160Mhz V 970 MEMSTATE 2 MEM 2040Mhz PWR 86.203 W

=== GPU 0, 01:00.0 /sys/class/drm/card0 ===
Adapter 0: Ellesmere [Radeon RX 470/480/570/580]
Core: 300 MHz, Mem: 300 MHz, CoreOD: 0, MemOD: 0, Load: 100%, Temp: 49 C, Fan: 47.8431%
Core clocks: 300 600 900 1154 1224 1150 1310 1350
Memory Clocks: 300 1000 2055
manual DPM 0 CORE 300Mhz V 750 MEMSTATE 0 MEM 300Mhz PWR 74767.165 W

The First one is from one RIG that runs RX580 8GB Powercolor (Hynix) and the second is the RIG with problem that runs same boards but with Samsung memory. Core and Mem are stucked at 300Mhz…

Have you got the two vbios that you used to edit the two separate GPU’s? Can you attach them so I can have a look at them to see if there is a variance.

Problem seems to be solved in the new HiveOS Version .30. But now, the OC profile is not getting applied. The boards are running at maximum GPU voltage and even if i apply the profile it does not work.

Here is the vbios of the GPU0 of RIG_02 that i´m facing problems.

I am actually facing the same issue. I have 6 x MSI Radeon RX580 4GB (Hynix memory) that have been flashed.

Running on Windows they get 30-31.5MH/s and on hiveOS they get 23.6MH/s. I don’t know about SMOS, but I think the difference is that on Windows they are using the AMD blockchain drivers and hiveOS is not. Maybe SMOS is using the blockchain drivers for AMD and that’s why you were getting higher hashrates.

I want to use hiveOS but 7-8MH/s x 6 GPU is a huge hit, so I’m (painfully) trying to set up a Windows 10 box. I hate Windows with all my being, but that’s a lot of lost hashes.

Does anyone know if hiveOS is using the AMD blockchain drivers? If not, is that something that will be added (soon)? If not, I’m willing to try and get my hands dirty to add support for them.

[quote=“Kuzuri;785”]I am actually facing the same issue. I have 6 x MSI Radeon RX580 4GB (Hynix memory) that have been flashed.

Running on Windows they get 30-31.5MH/s and on hiveOS they get 23.6MH/s. I don’t know about SMOS, but I think the difference is that on Windows they are using the AMD blockchain drivers and hiveOS is not. Maybe SMOS is using the blockchain drivers for AMD and that’s why you were getting higher hashrates.

I want to use hiveOS but 7-8MH/s x 6 GPU is a huge hit, so I’m (painfully) trying to set up a Windows 10 box. I hate Windows with all my being, but that’s a lot of lost hashes.

Does anyone know if hiveOS is using the AMD blockchain drivers? If not, is that something that will be added (soon)? If not, I’m willing to try and get my hands dirty to add support for them.[/quote]

This driver question is a good point but I don’t think is the real problem because I have another rig running 6 PowerColor 8GB Hynix memory and working fine using HiveOS and getting 29.8MH/s on all 6 boards. I can’t explain why the second rig is with this issue.

That is strange indeed. It was the only thing I could come up with, at least for my situation anyway. I really like hiveOS and want to use it exclusively, I just need to figure out why my hashrate is so darn low.

Well I was chastised for not knowing that hiveOS is using the blockchain AMD drivers. So I guess my question is why my cards are hashing 7 MH/s slower than Windows.

I’m going to pull the OC settings I’m using in the flashed BIOS on my GPUs and try using Hive to OC and see if for some reason it’s just not using those settings.

I’ll let you know if I find anything out.

[quote=“Kuzuri;820”]Well I was chastised for not knowing that hiveOS is using the blockchain AMD drivers. So I guess my question is why my cards are hashing 7 MH/s slower than Windows.

I’m going to pull the OC settings I’m using in the flashed BIOS on my GPUs and try using Hive to OC and see if for some reason it’s just not using those settings.

I’ll let you know if I find anything out. [/quote]

For me, the hashrate is not a issue anymore. I am getting 29.8mh/s but the OC is not been applied even is correctly configured. Cards are consuming a lot and generating a lot a heat. In a similar rig with only powercolor rx580 8gb hynix is working fine. But this second rig is not working. I noticed some differences in vbios clock and voltage options but I am not sure if I can modify this info or even try to use the vbios of powercolor hynix because the new ones are Samsung…

Any update on this? I have two Asus RX-580 8gb cards and they’re only getting 21 mh/s.

Всё работает замечательно.

под hive надо немного биос редактировать,и всё будет работать лучше чем под windows

I’m a newbie. Could you elaborate on your the BIOS edits you mentioned? Thanks!

The same problem here…
Windows gives 30MH but hiveos gives 12MH
Did you manage to find what is the problem ?

Sun Jun 14 14:32:39 +03 2020

=== GPU 0, 01:00.0 /sys/class/drm/card1 ===
Adapter 0: PCI 1:0:0: Ellesmere [Radeon RX 470/480/570/570X/580/580X/590]
Core: 0 MHz, Mem: 1750 MHz, CoreOD: 0, MemOD: 0, Vddc: 1012 mV
PerfCtrl: auto, Load: 0%
Temp: 50°C, Fan: 26.6667%
Core Clocks: 300 466 751 1019 1074 1126 1169 1260
Memory Clocks: 300 1750
DPM 0 CORE 300Mhz 1012mV MDPM 0 MEM 300Mhz 800mV VDDCI 850mV REF 5 PWR 22.213 W RPM 1234

Asus Dual Rx580 8gb

Same problem here (19 - 21 MH).
‘BiosEditor’ mentioned special BIOS Settings, are they any BIOS Setting you guys can recommend? What Setting are you using when you get ~ 30 MH? :]

Looks like I’ve found the issue.
After 10 Mins of BIOS Modding I get 30 MH/s now.

BIOS Modding Guide I used: