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Unrecoverable memory error - ethermine - 3060 cards

Hi i am trying to use 4 cards, for 3060, and doing ethermine to mine, with hive os,
Initially was 70, 1400 (core), 2400 (mem) for the settings

Unrecoverable memory error by GPU 3.
Reset of all Cuda GPUs required.
Please check your (memory) OC & UV settings on this card.
Device 0 detected as crashed.
Closing miner and trying to call external script: ./ (–watchdog script)

Do you know how to fix this? If i use less GPU’s it works fine. I am using a Azus prime z390-p motherboard.


PRIME Z390-P ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. (2804 04/15/2020)


4 × Intel(R) Core™ i3-8100 CPU @ 3.60GHz AES

460.39 - driver

what miner are you using?

lolminer v.1.29

99.94%A 1619I 1




does it work if you lower the memory clock on the card thats crashing?

did you figure a solution im also having this issue.

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