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Unable to get no 12 GPU RIG RUNNING

I have just setup my new 12 GPU rig and am trying to get mining. I have run into connection issues time and time again trying to run different flight sheets with no success. I would greatly appreciate any help that could be offered. I ran a net test and got a bunch of “check firewall rules” alerts on the display.

Than ks in advance.

Provide a screenshot of your rig overview with the flight sheet enabled. Also, if you are using a wifi adapter make sure you followed the setup guide.

I have been trying to get the Manufacturer to help me out with this but the assistance has been minimal. I am using an ethernet connection currently. I have tried rebooting several times but haven’t had much luck. Thank you

Something in your miner setup/configuration likely.

I can’t help you with Phoenix, don’t use it, Hive does not recommend it. Many folks here do use it and might be able to assist.

looks like you manually added a bunch off random stuff to the url field in phoenix miners config. typically you shouldn’t mess with anything there unless you’re trying to change something.

as mentioned above, trex/gminer will do better on these cards. make sure to set overclocks as well.

Thank you for the info. I sent another flight sheet to the rig and these are the results I got. I am not code savy enough to want to add anything so if something was added it was 100%unintentional. I know I have a configuration problem Im just not sure what it is.

This rig has never run. When I first received it I was able to download the “run.config” and save it to the USB folder (on my MAC). No I am unable to edit the USB that runs the rig. I was never able to get the stick to boot up the miner so I had to “first run” and enter the rig ID and password to get it to finally talk to HIVE OS which it did, and hasn’t done anything since. Thank you again for your help.

Seems like your HiveOS connection is fine. The miner is throwing the error, related to the “user” parameter in your config. Maybe try a different miner like teamredminer or NBMiner?

Tried NBminer, still no luck. I even tried flashing a separate USB drive to se if the USB was problematic. Also no luck.

Yeah, your issue is with connecting to the actual miners server. Everything related to HiveOS seems like it is functioning as it should. Are you sure your ETH wallet address is correct? Also, have you tried using the SSL servers for ethermine?

Which region are you located? Some of your tests are in Asia, some US, etc.?

All your posted pictures are related to pool connection, hence it is miner configuration issues or pool availability issues.

  1. your wallet address should be copy and pasted here and show up as “valid ETH” address:

  2. Post your Flight sheet with entries like this window:

Post your miner config window:

Mac OS limit without adding 3rd party software. fwiw: I run a Mac as well and first run function works just fine when you follow the steps properly. You can also find 3rd party software which allows you to edit “linux usb drives”.

Hey guys,

I just discovered this thread title should be changed to “Noob needs help here!” After verifying my wallet address I have discovered that I obviously copied the incorrect wallet address. Thank you for you’re help, it shows that this community is very helpful. Currently mining away and working well.

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