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Ttyd crashing


I like the new stuff - ttyd. However, it does not likes me. One of my rigs have a ttyd segfault all the time. Systemd unit does not configured to restart automatically, hence it remains unavailable thru the port 4200.
Please consider to set the unit file to auto-restart.

● hive-ttyd.service - Hive-ttyd service
   Loaded: loaded (/hive/etc/hive-ttyd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: failed (Result: core-dump) since Mon 2022-08-08 21:37:51 CEST; 2h 3min ago
  Process: 475 ExecStart=/hive/bin/ttyd -p 4200 -m 5 -d 4 -O -S -K /hive/etc/ttyd/ttyd.key -C /hive/etc/ttyd/ttyd.crt login (code=dumped, signal=SEGV)
 Main PID: 475 (code=dumped, signal=SEGV)

Aug 08 17:59:46 avantgarde login[14037]: pam_unix(login:session): session opened for user user by (uid=0)
Aug 08 17:59:49 avantgarde ttyd[475]: [2022/08/08 17:59:49:7656] N: lws_gate_accepts: on = 0
Aug 08 17:59:49 avantgarde ttyd[475]: [2022/08/08 17:59:49:7656] N: __lws_lc_untag:  -- [wsisrv|0|adopted] (1) 5.089s
Aug 08 21:37:51 avantgarde ttyd[475]: [2022/08/08 21:37:51:1232] N: WS closed from, clients: 0
Aug 08 21:37:51 avantgarde ttyd[475]: [2022/08/08 21:37:51:1232] N: killing process, pid: 14037
Aug 08 21:37:51 avantgarde ttyd[475]: [2022/08/08 21:37:51:1234] N: lws_gate_accepts: on = 0
Aug 08 21:37:51 avantgarde ttyd[475]: [2022/08/08 21:37:51:1234] N: __lws_lc_untag:  -- [wsisrv|1|adopted] (0) 3.635hr
Aug 08 21:37:51 avantgarde ttyd[475]: [2022/08/08 21:37:51:1243] N: process killed with signal 1, pid: 14037
Aug 08 21:37:51 avantgarde systemd[1]: hive-ttyd.service: Main process exited, code=dumped, status=11/SEGV
Aug 08 21:37:51 avantgarde systemd[1]: hive-ttyd.service: Failed with result 'core-dump'.

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