@ttib2 @Didz
Thank you for your tipps! I tested both of the settings:
Core Clock | Core V/Mem.Contr.V/MemV. | Mem Clock
960 | 640/640/1100 | 950
960 | 650/650/1100 | 950
And i was coming from…
900 | 620/630/1100 | 950
Before i had like…
414 Watts@240 Volts from the wall, rock stable 29.22 MH, 60-66 °C, 45-49 Watts/Card
With the first (960 | 640/640/1100 | 950) i got…
388 Watts@240 Volts from the wall, 29.23 MH, 58-64 °C, 39-42 Watts/Card
(Screenshot of that below)
With the second (960 | 650/650/1100 | 950) i got…
390 Watts@240 Volts from the wall, 29.14 MH, 60-64 °C, 40-45 Watts/Card
So thank you again – it was great seeing this numbers change even more to the better
I will test the new settings (the first with 960 | 640/640/1100 | 950) a few days and will report back here…