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Temprature jump for no reason after 5 stable days

I start running a 6x 6700xt AMD card on a Biostar TB250-BTC card. I’ve been running the setup for the past 6 fans running 30% fan speeds at 60degrees. Everything was perfect until today 5 pm. For some reason, the cards look like stopped reading fan speeds it was showing [N/A]

I rebooted the system thinking it would fix the problem however, the system is not stable at all no matter what I do. I’ve checked the room temperature and there was not any significant increase in the room and other rigs are fine. I’ve changed the placement of the rig, try upgrading to os version to the latest, and try nbminer instead of reading team miner, nothing helped.

I cannot control the temperatures of the cards no matter what I do they go over 76°+ core and 90°+ and start getting temperature throttled.

Any ideas about what might be the issue? Could it be a faulty motherboard issue? I can’t think of anything at this point

Here are some activity charts showing how stable the system was until this happened.

are you using autofan? if so have you tried disabling it and setting a static fan speed?

also for future reference, no need to upload and paste links, you can just paste tthe image directly in the reply box.

It did not allow me to upload the pictures, I guess it is because it was my first forum post. I was using auto-fan and it was only around 30%, now even if I set it to %85 my temps are very high and the system is unstable
This is what it currently looks like

Did you try disabling auto fan?

Just disabled auto-fans and fix the fan speed at 80% that seem to stabilize it. But this still doesn’t explain the fluctuation previously it was all good with not more than %30 fan auto fan speeds. This is weird.

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