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Teamredminer exited (exitcode=0), waiting to cooldown a bit

Hi New to GPU rig setup, loads but get this error!!, any ideas??

Can you post a screenshot of your workers overview screen, and one of your flight sheet?

Hi ok trying to see how to attach it!

new to this also, cannot see how to attach it!

Is there anything i should be looking at?

You can paste a link to an image, or upload with the button that looks like a photo frame, in the reply box on the top row

Thank you!

for rx580s try the previous stable image, you can run hive-replace --list then choose option 5

it will take some time to download and flash depending on your internet and drive speed. let it reboot on its own.

Ok thanks verymuch mate!!

This is the error im getting on the rig

Your gpus dont have their memory/info showing, which is an indicator of either a driver issue (unlikely as you just flashed a fresh image) or hardware issue. Do the gpus work? Are you able to drive your display from them?

Sorry to interfear, buddy. Please, where did you buy this monitor for monitoring mining logs?

its a 7" rasberry pie screen, comes with hdmi and usb power and works perfect

Thanks Buddy.