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Teamblack miner dual mining

I was trying to get tbm to dual mine rvn+zil

However, seems the example is wrong, since they are using –algo rvn+vtc, and tbm won’t start with that. Did, however got it working using eth+rvn.

Hive doesn’t show the rvn work on the dashboard, and eventually dies. Any way to get it to work?

mining.submit: Pool reponded with error
KAWPOW: GPU0 Accepted (26/28/0) Reply: 171ms 
KAWPOW: GPU0 Accepted (27/29/0) Reply: 172ms 
KAWPOW: GPU0 Accepted (28/30/0) Reply: 164ms 
KAWPOW: GPU0 Accepted (29/31/0) Reply: 186ms 
KAWPOW: GPU0 Accepted (30/32/0) Reply: 166ms 
KAWPOW: GPU0 Accepted (31/33/0) Reply: 184ms 
KAWPOW: GPU0 Accepted (32/34/0) Reply: 169ms Pool responded to subscribe Failed mining authorize. Exiting...
Shutting down threads
Stratum thread exited
GPU0 thread exited
Stratum thread exited
Control thread exited

May be wrong but some dual aren’t supported for both Nvidia and AMD card, may be the reason ?

was mining on only 1 nvidia card. Had been mining for a short moment, before it failed.

tbm should be able to do rvn + zil