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Team red miner error GPU 2: detected DEAD (07:00.0), will execute restart script

I had a problem with getting more than 4 GPUs online and this was one of the manifested errors. It was OC in the end, although I swore it could not have been. Try this exact thing, hope it helps at least some of you

did you solve the problem ?

View rider or cable

I changed the cable and riser also.

May be down oc ?

Anybody found solution about this problem?

For me it was an OC problem. Too low voltages to memory

Thanks for your answer… but i use the auto values from bios …not fix values in hive os for memory…
Gigabyte Rx5700xt oc ver2
Current : VDDCI_MEM: 850mV , MVDDC: 1350mV
Core: 1300 MHz 743mV , Mem: 912 MHz

Hi. It was too low voltages to memory controller (VDDCI) or memory voltage (MVDD) ?

I bet both.
Currently operate like a charm for days with :
Core : 1250
Mem : 915
56.5 Mh for 83W


Thanks for your answer.

Nice hashrate for this wattage ! Good job. Micron or Samsung mem ?


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Hi any one have found a solution ? Thanks

thanks for the inputs guys, i have the same with one of my gpu´s now for the first time. Here is so many “solutions” that it seems like there is not on single issue that cause this. For me sometimes this freeze the boot up or rig start to mine and within few minutes max this line pops out and restart the rig… gpu 5: detected DEAD (0b:00.0) . will execute restart script So, anyways it looks like there is hope left :laughing: I allready thought that gpu is yet another paperweight…

okay, so i check´d my settings and the gpu in question was under volted to 835, should have been 850…typo!. problem solved. check your oc´s like some mentioned earlier :+1: :+1:

Hi, could you share your OC settings please?

For RADEON RX 580 8G

Thx, but mines are RX 5700 XT

hey, how much mh are u getting with those settings with radeon 580 ?

30Mh per GPU