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Tdxminer integration for Hive

I still don’t understand how to download file into hive can someone please help?

“I reverted back to windows for Vega cards which still is the best solution.”
You found good lyra2z miner for Vega cards on windows? Or you just runs cryptonight miner?
Did you try Ubuntu 16.04? I saw some people successfully run Vega cards on tdxminer. But cant get infro from them how they do downvolt and cooling managment. Also personally i need info how to do overclocking in ubuntu on amd cards.

this is the file Hamed post on MEGA to download easy to your rig use wget command

this is the ver 0.2
just right click on the attach file copy link address
on the rig
type wget “the address you have copied”
without quotation actually
then type


to see the name of the file. because each time it has a random name.
remember to untar the file with the name you see above

[quote=“hamednik;1198”]I have integrated tdxminer for HiveOS, so far its for the AMD cards only. Its a dirty patch but it gets the job done until Hive dev team add it to their next release!


I have mixed rig (1x gtx 1060 6gb, 6x rx580 8gb)
I have manually launched the tdxminer (–platform 1 to avoid NVIDIA gfx), but got no job from the pool. The connection to the dev pool looks ok, but pool reports no connected miner.
Every reported stats of the tdxminer is null (-) and every card name at the start of the miner has (null) name but correct units number (36). Other miners (claymore for ex.) works well with mixed conf.
The report from lspci and amdinfo is ok, smi reports ok as well.

I had the same issue when installed in “pure” ubuntu 16.04 release and inserted the nvidia card and installed the nvidia drivers. I couldnot get back to the working state even after uninstallation of the nvidia drivers and removed the card.

Before then, i could mine perfectly with 6x Rx580 and tdxminer release from git.

Anyone with the same issue? Any solution?

[quote=“jmnemonicj;5610”][quote=“hamednik;1198”]I have integrated tdxminer for HiveOS, so far its for the AMD cards only. Its a dirty patch but it gets the job done until Hive dev team add it to their next release!


I have mixed rig (1x gtx 1060 6gb, 6x rx580 8gb)


[quote=“jmnemonicj;5639”][quote=“jmnemonicj;5610”][quote=“hamednik;1198”]I have integrated tdxminer for HiveOS, so far its for the AMD cards only. Its a dirty patch but it gets the job done until Hive dev team add it to their next release!


I have mixed rig (1x gtx 1060 6gb, 6x rx580 8gb)


only amd rx series

[quote=“idrisou;5647”][quote=“jmnemonicj;5639”][quote=“jmnemonicj;5610”][quote=“hamednik;1198”]I have integrated tdxminer for HiveOS, so far its for the AMD cards only. Its a dirty patch but it gets the job done until Hive dev team add it to their next release!


I have mixed rig (1x gtx 1060 6gb, 6x rx580 8gb)


only amd rx series[/quote]

I have 6x AMD RX 580 8gb, what do you mean?

Interesting for a T-Rex miner

Рандомно вылетает по одной карте на каждой ферме. Помогает только ребут. Не подскажите как можно победить?

Standalone working well, but Integrated not working at all, saying “no algorithm specified”. How to fill dstm wallet with -a lyra2z?
Tried everything, pls give me example of wallet fill on hiveOS dstm

“name”: “GIN”,
“props”: {
“dstm”: {
“pass”: “x”,
“port”: “20012”,
“server”: “stratum+tcp://”,
“template”: “%DWAL%.%WORKER_NAME%”
“dwal”: “GZB9aMueSVG9npgy6ZX3bGgkNo3tztFr8r”

@heartly you’ve missed a step otherwise you shouldnt have this issue. Algorithm selection is hardcoded in my patch for dstm/tdxminer.

@olezko46 i am sorry but i dont speak russian, but from the picture you have attached i can see you may be referring to the GPUs falling off the bus, this is most likely OC issue. Also you’re running your fans on 100%, dont do that.

@hamednik I’ve noticed two situations where reporting from log parsing could be better:

  • when card fails you are sending 0.000H/s to HiveOS and this is not recognized as failing card by the system, so it only shows no hashrate on that card, but in summary there is no red indication that you have a failing card
  • since you are parsing from last 100 lines of the log it often happens that order of cards is different in every reporting interval (you start catching from i.e. 5th card to 12th and then from 1st to 4th)

I’ve taken the liberty and somewhat changed line in tdxHelper that is parsing through the log file. If you find it satisfying you can include it in the next version of your very helpful manual:

getGPUstats=grep -i "Stats GPU" $LOGS | tail -n $GPUS | sed 's/.*lyra2z: \(.*\)/\1/' | cut -d "M" -f1 | sed '/0.000/d' | sed -e ':a' -e 'N' -e '$!ba' -e 's/ /},{"hash_ps":/g'

This way I first take only lines that are of interest to me, and tail will take only last n lines of miner stats log. This gives me ordered list all the times (or almost all the times). Additionally, I am removing 0.000 hasrates from reporting. That way when HiveOS receives this info, it displays stats for live GPUs and the difference is reported as missing GPUs which is helpful if you are running more than few rigs.

@givo thanks for your comment, my work was really a quick and dirty job of getting everything to work and i really havent spent my time trying to perfect the patch. I was hoping my adaptation would really motivate hiveos devs to include tdxminer in their next release with their own official patches, however that hasnt happened. I understand there is a release of HiveOSv2 in order which will address custom minder issues, would be interesting what they have inmind in terms of miners with no API and only log parsing options.

In anycase, I will test your code and if all was okay will include it in my files.

HiveOS dev team already works and testing “Custom miner API” and see on it big profit for all
More details later

@HaloGenius yeah i am quiet curious tbh to findout how you’re planning to handle the custom miners and the stats feed back to the hive api agent.

Also on an off topic note, can you please do something about the “quote” feature of this forum, its really annoying that the “quote” option is not clickable. Ive tried with different browsers and as soon as the mouse hovers out of the main comment box, the “quote” option disappears. I find myself trying to reply to specific comments however its not possible and i have to quote their username instead. I think its a bug in the VanillaForums that you use.

Does somebody try rx460/560/550 with Rocm drivers in hiveos with this miner?

I’m fully agree with you about forum core - they are too buggy. Main idea change and convert it to powerful support portal, something like IPB forum core.

Returning to our past conversation, also Dmitro’s dialogue with users on facebook, also requests on forum to add one or another miner to HiveOS we understood what we are faced with many questions like:

  • we need to understand whether this miner is popular or not
  • we can not predict whether IT is popular or not
  • users who, for example, use some sort of miner for NVIDIA, do not need at all the miners for AMD and etc or contra …
  • it takes time to integrate the miner into the web interface, repeatedly complicating it while there is a risk that the miner will no longer be used after sometime (like lolminer)

Yes, sorry for bad story with tdxminer integration but it’s will good to start for all HiveOS users and developers at near future