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T-Rex 0.24.5

Update from my previous guide if you want to switch to t-rex 0.24.5 before official support from hiveOS.

Start a remote hive shell

cd /hive/miners/t-rex/
mkdir 0.24.5
cd 0.24.5
tar -xzf t-rex-0.24.5-linux.tar.gz
cd ../0.24.2
mv t-rex t-rex.old
ln -sf ../0.24.5/t-rex t-rex

After that make sure you have your flight sheet setup to use 0.24.2 t-rex miner from the drop down menu and restart the miner.

If you launch the miner screen or run the miner log web command you can watch it start and see the 0.24.5 print out

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