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Switching miners between payout?

I have been mining for ETH on ethminer and am at .07. I have never been paid out, I am new. It’s hard to get to that .1…

I heard I can switch to 2miners and get payouts faster but not sure what the threshold is for payout, does anyone know?

…and if I switch from ethminer to 2 miners, what will happen to what I already mineI.

Thank you,

The minimum payout for Ethermine is 0.01, but you have to set your threshold in the settings… Go to ethermine and type in your address in the search bar, then go to settings, then click on “Gas Price Limit & Threshold” and set it to whatever you want. If you change pools before getting a payout you wont ever get a payout from the original pool if you didn’t reach your threshold. Switching the actual miner makes no difference, beside dev fee, and maybe give or take a few megahash. The higher your megahash, the more you mine, the faster you get paid.

Edit: I misunderstood your question. The payouts are handled by your mining pool. Most of the mining pools have a max payout and a min payout. I was talking about ethermine above, which I thought you were using. Just look up how to adjust the payout amount for whatever pool you are using. I’m sure you will be able to lower the threshold. Using different miners isn’t going to speed up your payouts unless for some reason your hashrate is way higher with another miner, which usually isn’t the case unless you have LHR cards.

As long as you use the same pool and address, you can switch to whatever miner you want.

ethminer isnt a pool, its a miner (outdated and unsupported at that), do you mean ethermine?

Thanks for the message.

Here is my pool and miner.

Should I be concerned that when I paste my address from hiveos in that I get a no active worker found?

You should indeed, if you searched for the correct address. You should be searching for the wallet address you are using, without the “0x” in front of it. If there is no activity and your miner has been mining for a while you have a problem.

dont use ethminer, its outdated and unsupported.

I see this now…

Can you recommend one?

I use ethermine pool and NBMiner (mix of nvidia and amd). Really depends on the cards in your rig but T-Rex is good for nvidia cards and teamredminer is good for amd cards.

what cards do you have? certain miners do better with certain cards

2070 supers, 1070 tis, a few 2060 supers

t-rex or gminer both would work great for those

fantastic, and just to be clear, I can change miners, just not pools until I get paid? When is the best time to change pools?

you can change anything you like, but to get paid out by the pool you need to meet their minimum threshold. miner wont change anything on the pool side, obviously changing the pool would stop adding to your pending balance on the previous pool

As long as you use the same pool and wallet address when setting up the flight sheet for the different miner you are fine. If you want to change pools, I would mine until reaching the payout threshold you have set. For example, I have 0.05 set for ethermine. So, one I reached 0.05 I would change.

Where is the dang settings to set my gas price limit?

got it, thank you

got it, thank you, I still cant find that dang settings area to set my threshold, learning sometimes is so challenging

If you are using the ethermine pool (
Go to your mining address > settings > payment method

I found this! thank you! However, I can’t set a price because it came up again with no active worker found, the wallet address I am copying into this site is where my payout will go to, correct? Mine for instance is going over to Coinbase, is that ok? otherwise what should I be using instead of that Coinbase wallet?