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Strange booting behaviour

hello everyone, i hope someone can help me.
the situation is very confusing, some days ago i ended my first rig with 4 GPUs , the prolem is that :
for the first run ive booted from USB and it worked by selecting in BIOS the FAT mode from usb boot list.
then after check if the worker was online starts the problem, for this rig the storage is from an ssd of 64GB, ive tryed to transfer the image from USB to SSD (usb–>ssd64) but after complete this operation the ssd don’t boot in ANY WAYs.
i have tryed everythings and im stuck there …
if i plug the USB , in boot menu i can access HIVEOS
if i unplug the USB the ony option is the SSD but dont work ( the system show me message like :invalid boot, select new device and try again.)
so after that ive supposed that the transfer procedure on linux on fdisk -l was wrong,
mounted the ssd on a gaming pc and surprising booted on HiveOS like the USB

so after this last consideration is obiviusly that the problem is caused by the motherboard of my mining rig , and the transfer procedure was well done,but i still cant figure out why this ssd dont work with the rig , why work on a gaming pc, but when plugged on the rig showing nothing

MoBo : Asrock z97 extreme 4
RAM: 4Gb Corsair ddr3
CPU: Pentium 4000
PSU: Corsair RM 850W
GPUs : 3x580 + 5700xt
Storage: 64Gb SSD

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