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Stop mining some graphics cards in my rig

hi guys
Some of my Rig graphics cards, from about a month ago, after about one to four hours of work, operation stops, and sometimes they completely stop the mine operations of the other cards as well. Does anyone have a solution?

Assuming you already checked all your connections.

NB is fast If you want stable use Gminer. Before you do that. Try lowering your memory overclock 200 then. Add in the User Config “memory-tweak”:“6”

Cooler is better. I think your fans are too low. Better to replace the fan than the GPU. I run mine 100 percent.

Good luck!

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Set more conservative clocks and reboot. Repeat until stable. You can also set the hashrate watchdog to restart or reboot if the rig stops mining on one or all cards

thanks for help
Can you explain more about this?
"User Config “memory-tweak”:“6” "
me can’t find them for config.

Try use lolminer, same happen with me, previously use gminer, now solved by lolminer.

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thank you
me change power supply and solved my problem

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