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Stable +3000 memory overclock, still too dangerous?

I’m currently running 4x STRIX 3090s and one of them in particular has great efficiency, but I’ve struggled to bump hashrate on.

Currently that card is stable at ~122MH/s drawing 302W, but my concern is that the memory overclock is +3000, these cards are known to have VRAM overheating issues, and there’s no way to check VRAM temp in Hiveos. So far I have not had any thermal throttling issues, but have only been running it that high for a few hours.

My question is whether there’s a point of overclocking that is dangerous for the long term health of the card even if it’s stable and not throttling. For example, throttling doesn’t kick in until the VRAM passes 110C, but I’m nervous if it’s sitting at 109C.

I also think I might be able to push the mem clock even further, so want to understand if that’s worth exploring or if I should avoid.

Below is a pic for reference

Your 3000mhz is being wasted due to throttling on at least 3 of the 4, they’d get the same hashrate with less memeory. Turn your fan to 100% or turn your memory down as it’s not helping you in your current config.

You can run Nvidia-smi -q And see why they’re throttling.

Running Nvidia-smi -q I don’t see any of the 4 throttling? Am I looking at the right place? All 4 just show this.

Note that I’ve locked the core clock on all 4 which is why they’re pulling different amounts of power and all below PL

can you paste the entire output of the command?

Attached GPUs : 4
GPU 00000000:02:00.0
Product Name : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090
Product Brand : GeForce
Display Mode : Disabled
Display Active : Enabled
Persistence Mode : Enabled
MIG Mode
Current : N/A
Pending : N/A
Accounting Mode : Disabled
Accounting Mode Buffer Size : 4000
Driver Model
Current : N/A
Pending : N/A
Serial Number : N/A
GPU UUID : GPU-71c634fa-ca1b-eca0-7ab3-7d0028801b16
Minor Number : 0
VBIOS Version :
MultiGPU Board : No
Board ID : 0x200
GPU Part Number : N/A
Module ID : 0
Inforom Version
Image Version : G001.0000.03.03
OEM Object : 2.0
ECC Object : N/A
Power Management Object : N/A
GPU Operation Mode
Current : N/A
Pending : N/A
GSP Firmware Version : N/A
GPU Virtualization Mode
Virtualization Mode : None
Host VGPU Mode : N/A
Relaxed Ordering Mode : N/A
Bus : 0x02
Device : 0x00
Domain : 0x0000
Device Id : 0x220410DE
Bus Id : 00000000:02:00.0
Sub System Id : 0x87AF1043
GPU Link Info
PCIe Generation
Max : 3
Current : 3
Link Width
Max : 16x
Current : 1x
Bridge Chip
Type : N/A
Firmware : N/A
Replays Since Reset : 7778
Replay Number Rollovers : 0
Tx Throughput : 23000 KB/s
Rx Throughput : 65000 KB/s
Fan Speed : 80 %
Performance State : P2
Clocks Throttle Reasons
Idle : Not Active
Applications Clocks Setting : Not Active
SW Power Cap : Not Active
HW Slowdown : Not Active
HW Thermal Slowdown : Not Active
HW Power Brake Slowdown : Not Active
Sync Boost : Not Active
SW Thermal Slowdown : Not Active
Display Clock Setting : Not Active
FB Memory Usage
Total : 24268 MiB
Used : 5127 MiB
Free : 19141 MiB
BAR1 Memory Usage
Total : 256 MiB
Used : 5 MiB
Free : 251 MiB
Compute Mode : Default
Gpu : 100 %
Memory : 100 %
Encoder : 0 %
Decoder : 0 %
Encoder Stats
Active Sessions : 0
Average FPS : 0
Average Latency : 0
FBC Stats
Active Sessions : 0
Average FPS : 0
Average Latency : 0
Ecc Mode
Current : N/A
Pending : N/A
ECC Errors
SRAM Correctable : N/A
SRAM Uncorrectable : N/A
DRAM Correctable : N/A
DRAM Uncorrectable : N/A
SRAM Correctable : N/A
SRAM Uncorrectable : N/A
DRAM Correctable : N/A
DRAM Uncorrectable : N/A
Retired Pages
Single Bit ECC : N/A
Double Bit ECC : N/A
Pending Page Blacklist : N/A
Remapped Rows : N/A
GPU Current Temp : 46 C
GPU Shutdown Temp : 98 C
GPU Slowdown Temp : 95 C
GPU Max Operating Temp : 93 C
GPU Target Temperature : 83 C
Memory Current Temp : N/A
Memory Max Operating Temp : N/A
Power Readings
Power Management : Supported
Power Draw : 319.02 W
Power Limit : 330.00 W
Default Power Limit : 390.00 W
Enforced Power Limit : 330.00 W
Min Power Limit : 100.00 W
Max Power Limit : 480.00 W
Graphics : 1140 MHz
SM : 1140 MHz
Memory : 10925 MHz
Video : 1290 MHz
Applications Clocks
Graphics : N/A
Memory : N/A
Default Applications Clocks
Graphics : N/A
Memory : N/A
Max Clocks
Graphics : 2130 MHz
SM : 2130 MHz
Memory : 9751 MHz
Video : 1950 MHz
Max Customer Boost Clocks
Graphics : N/A
Clock Policy
Auto Boost : N/A
Auto Boost Default : N/A
Graphics : 743.750 mV
GPU instance ID : N/A
Compute instance ID : N/A
Process ID : 2021
Type : G
Name : /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg
Used GPU Memory : 18 MiB
GPU instance ID : N/A
Compute instance ID : N/A
Process ID : 2653
Type : C
Name : t-rex
Used GPU Memory : 5105 MiB

GPU 00000000:04:00.0
Product Name : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090
Product Brand : GeForce
Display Mode : Disabled
Display Active : Disabled
Persistence Mode : Enabled
MIG Mode
Current : N/A
Pending : N/A
Accounting Mode : Disabled
Accounting Mode Buffer Size : 4000
Driver Model
Current : N/A
Pending : N/A
Serial Number : N/A
GPU UUID : GPU-3242fca9-b54e-4f06-360c-784b541e7eaa
Minor Number : 1
VBIOS Version :
MultiGPU Board : No
Board ID : 0x400
GPU Part Number : N/A
Module ID : 0
Inforom Version
Image Version : G001.0000.03.03
OEM Object : 2.0
ECC Object : N/A
Power Management Object : N/A
GPU Operation Mode
Current : N/A
Pending : N/A
GSP Firmware Version : N/A
GPU Virtualization Mode
Virtualization Mode : None
Host VGPU Mode : N/A
Relaxed Ordering Mode : N/A
Bus : 0x04
Device : 0x00
Domain : 0x0000
Device Id : 0x220410DE
Bus Id : 00000000:04:00.0
Sub System Id : 0x87AF1043
GPU Link Info
PCIe Generation
Max : 3
Current : 3
Link Width
Max : 16x
Current : 1x
Bridge Chip
Type : N/A
Firmware : N/A
Replays Since Reset : 11460
Replay Number Rollovers : 0
Tx Throughput : 1000 KB/s
Rx Throughput : 2000 KB/s
Fan Speed : 80 %
Performance State : P2
Clocks Throttle Reasons
Idle : Not Active
Applications Clocks Setting : Not Active
SW Power Cap : Not Active
HW Slowdown : Not Active
HW Thermal Slowdown : Not Active
HW Power Brake Slowdown : Not Active
Sync Boost : Not Active
SW Thermal Slowdown : Not Active
Display Clock Setting : Not Active
FB Memory Usage
Total : 24268 MiB
Used : 5115 MiB
Free : 19153 MiB
BAR1 Memory Usage
Total : 256 MiB
Used : 5 MiB
Free : 251 MiB
Compute Mode : Default
Gpu : 66 %
Memory : 77 %
Encoder : 0 %
Decoder : 0 %
Encoder Stats
Active Sessions : 0
Average FPS : 0
Average Latency : 0
FBC Stats
Active Sessions : 0
Average FPS : 0
Average Latency : 0
Ecc Mode
Current : N/A
Pending : N/A
ECC Errors
SRAM Correctable : N/A
SRAM Uncorrectable : N/A
DRAM Correctable : N/A
DRAM Uncorrectable : N/A
SRAM Correctable : N/A
SRAM Uncorrectable : N/A
DRAM Correctable : N/A
DRAM Uncorrectable : N/A
Retired Pages
Single Bit ECC : N/A
Double Bit ECC : N/A
Pending Page Blacklist : N/A
Remapped Rows : N/A
GPU Current Temp : 44 C
GPU Shutdown Temp : 98 C
GPU Slowdown Temp : 95 C
GPU Max Operating Temp : 93 C
GPU Target Temperature : 83 C
Memory Current Temp : N/A
Memory Max Operating Temp : N/A
Power Readings
Power Management : Supported
Power Draw : 266.44 W
Power Limit : 330.00 W
Default Power Limit : 390.00 W
Enforced Power Limit : 330.00 W
Min Power Limit : 100.00 W
Max Power Limit : 480.00 W
Graphics : 1140 MHz
SM : 1140 MHz
Memory : 11001 MHz
Video : 1290 MHz
Applications Clocks
Graphics : N/A
Memory : N/A
Default Applications Clocks
Graphics : N/A
Memory : N/A
Max Clocks
Graphics : 2130 MHz
SM : 2130 MHz
Memory : 9751 MHz
Video : 1950 MHz
Max Customer Boost Clocks
Graphics : N/A
Clock Policy
Auto Boost : N/A
Auto Boost Default : N/A
Graphics : 743.750 mV
GPU instance ID : N/A
Compute instance ID : N/A
Process ID : 2021
Type : G
Name : /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg
Used GPU Memory : 6 MiB
GPU instance ID : N/A
Compute instance ID : N/A
Process ID : 2653
Type : C
Name : t-rex
Used GPU Memory : 5105 MiB

GPU 00000000:05:00.0
Product Name : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090
Product Brand : GeForce
Display Mode : Disabled
Display Active : Disabled
Persistence Mode : Enabled
MIG Mode
Current : N/A
Pending : N/A
Accounting Mode : Disabled
Accounting Mode Buffer Size : 4000
Driver Model
Current : N/A
Pending : N/A
Serial Number : N/A
GPU UUID : GPU-8be5e20b-3af7-24f4-8e6c-2fead39d13ae
Minor Number : 2
VBIOS Version :
MultiGPU Board : No
Board ID : 0x500
GPU Part Number : N/A
Module ID : 0
Inforom Version
Image Version : G001.0000.03.03
OEM Object : 2.0
ECC Object : N/A
Power Management Object : N/A
GPU Operation Mode
Current : N/A
Pending : N/A
GSP Firmware Version : N/A
GPU Virtualization Mode
Virtualization Mode : None
Host VGPU Mode : N/A
Relaxed Ordering Mode : N/A
Bus : 0x05
Device : 0x00
Domain : 0x0000
Device Id : 0x220410DE
Bus Id : 00000000:05:00.0
Sub System Id : 0x87AF1043
GPU Link Info
PCIe Generation
Max : 3
Current : 3
Link Width
Max : 16x
Current : 1x
Bridge Chip
Type : N/A
Firmware : N/A
Replays Since Reset : 38877
Replay Number Rollovers : 0
Tx Throughput : 31000 KB/s
Rx Throughput : 96000 KB/s
Fan Speed : 80 %
Performance State : P2
Clocks Throttle Reasons
Idle : Not Active
Applications Clocks Setting : Not Active
SW Power Cap : Not Active
HW Slowdown : Not Active
HW Thermal Slowdown : Not Active
HW Power Brake Slowdown : Not Active
Sync Boost : Not Active
SW Thermal Slowdown : Not Active
Display Clock Setting : Not Active
FB Memory Usage
Total : 24268 MiB
Used : 5115 MiB
Free : 19153 MiB
BAR1 Memory Usage
Total : 256 MiB
Used : 5 MiB
Free : 251 MiB
Compute Mode : Default
Gpu : 100 %
Memory : 100 %
Encoder : 0 %
Decoder : 0 %
Encoder Stats
Active Sessions : 0
Average FPS : 0
Average Latency : 0
FBC Stats
Active Sessions : 0
Average FPS : 0
Average Latency : 0
Ecc Mode
Current : N/A
Pending : N/A
ECC Errors
SRAM Correctable : N/A
SRAM Uncorrectable : N/A
DRAM Correctable : N/A
DRAM Uncorrectable : N/A
SRAM Correctable : N/A
SRAM Uncorrectable : N/A
DRAM Correctable : N/A
DRAM Uncorrectable : N/A
Retired Pages
Single Bit ECC : N/A
Double Bit ECC : N/A
Pending Page Blacklist : N/A
Remapped Rows : N/A
GPU Current Temp : 44 C
GPU Shutdown Temp : 98 C
GPU Slowdown Temp : 95 C
GPU Max Operating Temp : 93 C
GPU Target Temperature : 83 C
Memory Current Temp : N/A
Memory Max Operating Temp : N/A
Power Readings
Power Management : Supported
Power Draw : 312.47 W
Power Limit : 330.00 W
Default Power Limit : 390.00 W
Enforced Power Limit : 330.00 W
Min Power Limit : 100.00 W
Max Power Limit : 480.00 W
Graphics : 1140 MHz
SM : 1140 MHz
Memory : 10925 MHz
Video : 1290 MHz
Applications Clocks
Graphics : N/A
Memory : N/A
Default Applications Clocks
Graphics : N/A
Memory : N/A
Max Clocks
Graphics : 2130 MHz
SM : 2130 MHz
Memory : 9751 MHz
Video : 1950 MHz
Max Customer Boost Clocks
Graphics : N/A
Clock Policy
Auto Boost : N/A
Auto Boost Default : N/A
Graphics : 743.750 mV
GPU instance ID : N/A
Compute instance ID : N/A
Process ID : 2021
Type : G
Name : /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg
Used GPU Memory : 6 MiB
GPU instance ID : N/A
Compute instance ID : N/A
Process ID : 2653
Type : C
Name : t-rex
Used GPU Memory : 5105 MiB

GPU 00000000:06:00.0
Product Name : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090
Product Brand : GeForce
Display Mode : Disabled
Display Active : Disabled
Persistence Mode : Enabled
MIG Mode
Current : N/A
Pending : N/A
Accounting Mode : Disabled
Accounting Mode Buffer Size : 4000
Driver Model
Current : N/A
Pending : N/A
Serial Number : N/A
GPU UUID : GPU-8767ed9a-181b-1b6e-8331-cdf694391a74
Minor Number : 3
VBIOS Version :
MultiGPU Board : No
Board ID : 0x600
GPU Part Number : N/A
Module ID : 0
Inforom Version
Image Version : G001.0000.03.03
OEM Object : 2.0
ECC Object : N/A
Power Management Object : N/A
GPU Operation Mode
Current : N/A
Pending : N/A
GSP Firmware Version : N/A
GPU Virtualization Mode
Virtualization Mode : None
Host VGPU Mode : N/A
Relaxed Ordering Mode : N/A
Bus : 0x06
Device : 0x00
Domain : 0x0000
Device Id : 0x220410DE
Bus Id : 00000000:06:00.0
Sub System Id : 0x87AF1043
GPU Link Info
PCIe Generation
Max : 3
Current : 3
Link Width
Max : 16x
Current : 1x
Bridge Chip
Type : N/A
Firmware : N/A
Replays Since Reset : 60988
Replay Number Rollovers : 0
Tx Throughput : 4000 KB/s
Rx Throughput : 12000 KB/s
Fan Speed : 80 %
Performance State : P2
Clocks Throttle Reasons
Idle : Not Active
Applications Clocks Setting : Not Active
SW Power Cap : Not Active
HW Slowdown : Not Active
HW Thermal Slowdown : Not Active
HW Power Brake Slowdown : Not Active
Sync Boost : Not Active
SW Thermal Slowdown : Not Active
Display Clock Setting : Not Active
FB Memory Usage
Total : 24268 MiB
Used : 5115 MiB
Free : 19153 MiB
BAR1 Memory Usage
Total : 256 MiB
Used : 5 MiB
Free : 251 MiB
Compute Mode : Default
Gpu : 100 %
Memory : 100 %
Encoder : 0 %
Decoder : 0 %
Encoder Stats
Active Sessions : 0
Average FPS : 0
Average Latency : 0
FBC Stats
Active Sessions : 0
Average FPS : 0
Average Latency : 0
Ecc Mode
Current : N/A
Pending : N/A
ECC Errors
SRAM Correctable : N/A
SRAM Uncorrectable : N/A
DRAM Correctable : N/A
DRAM Uncorrectable : N/A
SRAM Correctable : N/A
SRAM Uncorrectable : N/A
DRAM Correctable : N/A
DRAM Uncorrectable : N/A
Retired Pages
Single Bit ECC : N/A
Double Bit ECC : N/A
Pending Page Blacklist : N/A
Remapped Rows : N/A
GPU Current Temp : 46 C
GPU Shutdown Temp : 98 C
GPU Slowdown Temp : 95 C
GPU Max Operating Temp : 93 C
GPU Target Temperature : 83 C
Memory Current Temp : N/A
Memory Max Operating Temp : N/A
Power Readings
Power Management : Supported
Power Draw : 304.88 W
Power Limit : 330.00 W
Default Power Limit : 390.00 W
Enforced Power Limit : 330.00 W
Min Power Limit : 100.00 W
Max Power Limit : 480.00 W
Graphics : 1140 MHz
SM : 1140 MHz
Memory : 10902 MHz
Video : 1290 MHz
Applications Clocks
Graphics : N/A
Memory : N/A
Default Applications Clocks
Graphics : N/A
Memory : N/A
Max Clocks
Graphics : 2130 MHz
SM : 2130 MHz
Memory : 9751 MHz
Video : 1950 MHz
Max Customer Boost Clocks
Graphics : N/A
Clock Policy
Auto Boost : N/A
Auto Boost Default : N/A
Graphics : 743.750 mV
GPU instance ID : N/A
Compute instance ID : N/A
Process ID : 2021
Type : G
Name : /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg
Used GPU Memory : 6 MiB
GPU instance ID : N/A
Compute instance ID : N/A
Process ID : 2653
Type : C
Name : t-rex
Used GPU Memory : 5105 MiB

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