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SSD does not show up during HiveOs Installation

Hello All.
I am new to this mining stuff and am trying to setup my first rig.
In the process of adding a worker, the SSD on wich I have to flash HiveOS does not show up. When I clic on the refresh button, the light on the connector of the sata cable blinks, but the SSD does not apear for selection.

I am using a 240Gb Kingston SSD. I tried to plug a 32 USB key, and this one show up immediately.
Please any help?
Thanks alot

The same thing happened to me when I tried to do it with their new process. Try doing it the old way. Here’s a tutorial, start watching at about 8 minutes in the video. is the page he is using to get the files in the video. Hope this helps!

After flashing I always have to remove and reconnect a drive for it to show up. But one you get it and set up the rig.config file with your info, be sure and save it somewhere you can get to so the next rig will be easier (flash a drive-copy rig file to it-good to go).

Thank you GoCrySnowflake.
That is what I end up doing but I wanted to know if there was a solution, such as a specific formating, etc…
It would be nice if the HiveOS team can come up with a solution, because after flashing the old way, one has to manipulate the rig.config file, since the option of downloading it is no more available, wich might be risky for beginners.
Thanks anyway for your help

Hello Mathelm.
The SSD show up in My Computer, but not during installation. Unpluging and repluging is when it does not show up in computer. Thanks anyway.

I’ve got exactly the same problem as you did, but mine is even worse as I tried to use Etcher, Rufus and Raw and neither recognized my SSD.

Is there any other configuration I am missing? I formated the SSD many times and I still cannot install it. Please help :frowning:

Hi there.
Can you confirm your SSD shows up in My Computer? If not try to initialize it first. You can find help on that with google.
Good luck


My SSD is already initialized (GPT) and with the partition made as well (NTFS). I assigned the Y letter as I read there were some problems with C and D. The SSD appears in my computer and I can store data there. However when I run the install, the drive does not appear as an option just like it happened to you. I tried using etcher as well and when I want to target the SSD, The bix is locked and does not allow me to click it.

I don’t know if there is any setup in my BIOS that would prevent this from happening (I tried 2 different SSDs and 2 USB-SATA Adapters to check if it was a hardware problem but the problems remain for both.


In that case, try to go the old way. That is what solve the problem in my case. Please see GoCrySnowflake’s post here above.
Good luck.

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