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Spotty Telegram notifications

For the last few weeks I’ve been noticing spotty telegram notifications within the telegram app on my phone when it comes to the hourly summary notifications. I was at first getting a notification every single hour, but lately it’s spotty. I’d get only a few a day and they are random throughout the day.
I checked my farm settings and all seems to be ok.

When I check within the telegram app and enter /user USERNAME a times I get back a message that my user is subscribed, but if I try again later I get a message that says " MY AUTH CODE doesn’t match what HiveOS user USERNAME has specified, please check this code"

I tried unsubscribing and resubscribing with the same username, maybe I should create and sign up with a new user?

I noticed that the telegram messages are coming late and not in “real time” when something happens on the rig.

I am having this same issue now 6 months after you. Did you ever find a fix to this?

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