Hi all,
I would like to solomine but can’t seem to find the commands which I have to put in the flightsheet,
Can anyone help??
Greetings from Holland
Depends on the coin and pool.
Plsr coin on rplant
Does rplant offer solo mining for pulsar?
Yes, it said solo enabled
Yes, it said solo enabled but I cannot find which commands to run in hiveos
Under the connect tab on your rplant dashboard there should be a miner config generator. If that coin has a solo option it will be listed there, use the info it gives related to the solo command and apply it to your miner config.
-p would mean that goes in the password field in your miner config.
According to the generator, yep that looks right.
Alright, I’m gonna try this, thank you for the help, I will let you know if it works:+1:t2:
Hiveos Pool server:port:solo+tcps://stratum-eu.rplant.xyz:17030 Pass: webpassword=lucky
is what you want to put in hiveos webpassword=lucky should be typed into box in hiveos both words and = sign
go to r plant and enter and save your password as lucky start miner and go to rplant connect info center page block should say something like this
| — | — |
|Block time:|75 seconds|
|Payments interval:|60 minutes|
|Minimum payment:|1 PLSR|
|Minimum fixed difficulty:|0.001|
|Pool Fee:|1%|
|Pool Fee solo:|2%|
|Confirmations:|40 blocks|