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SimpleRigResetter SRRv2 Watchdog

You need to create a file on the rig:


# Device serial number

# The slot where this rig is connected, 1-8

# Extension board serial if you have one

After reboot please turn off windows client as it will send pings also.

Изначально подклчается к нему виндовый клиент, настраивается таймаут срабатывания.
На ригах надо создать файл /hive-config/watchdog_srrv2.txt

С содержимым:

Где SERIAL_NUMBER - серийник устройства, SLOT_NUMBER - слот, к которому подключен риг.

После ребута рига нужно выключить виндовый клиент(в интерфейсе есть отключение), иначе он вместе с ригом будет отправлять “пинги”.

After reboot please turn off windows client as it will send pings also.[/quote]

What do you mean by this? I would still want to run the Windows SimpleRigResetterTool, correct? And if I have windows mining rigs, I would still want to run the Windows Agent on those, right?

I think he mean that you have to turn of the “local agent”. This works for me

Ok thanks. My HIVE and Windows mining rigs are all working fine. I have a windows non mining rig where I run the SRR Tool and the local agent is not installed there. Then on my windows mining rigs, I only ran the SRR Tool to install the local agents there. Everybody seems to play nice together on the same LAN.

Hi guys (devs and customers) - I am “tytanick” and i am from the “competition” :slight_smile:
It is very good that hiveOS supports variety of resetters, even mine :slight_smile:
I appreciate that.

Also, we released new keepallive script that also supports new Extension Boards device.
This is all i wanted to tell about script.

About SRRTool. This tool needs only to be run once in order to configure watchdog (to enable watchdog when you connect rigs and to see if it it working corectly).
Later when you use Hive OS or other OS you do not need to have opened SRRTool program. The properly configured linux script is all that needs to be done on rig.
OK it also works works with windows and the “Local Agent” tab in SRRTool program is only for windows. If you are using other OS, then do not even look at this tab in program :slight_smile:

Also, we had problem sending SRR devices via DHL to Russia to non-commercial customers. But we will test if UPS or other postal services can deliver to Russia individual customers.

Hello since srrv2 got extention board is there a way to edit file to load extention board to because for now it only work with de main board ?

@tytanick or whom has tested this. The srr itself works like a charm. I have just received the extension and have a few questions.
Latest version of hive still requires to manually install the above scrypt? if so how exactly do i install it? or is it sufficient to add some other line for the extension sn in /hive-config/watchdog_srrv2.txt.

After this is done, how do i activate hart-beat port binding?
for the normal srr it’s easy port 1 to 8. but srr extension also has port 1-32, how do you correctly map let say port 15 on the extension card?

Thank You,

@jbl200 found a temp patch just run the script tytanik just post with a cron job at boot on rig plug into the extension board.

after checking thing back i put the into the /hive/sbin/ folder asnd called the script in the add a line in it like this screen -dmS srr /hive/sbin/

dont forget to edit your keepalive to fit your position on the extension board and the serial number.

Thank You! works like a charm for nvidia rigs. on amd cards i’m missing for some reason

So just to be clear, it is not enough to just have this file properly configured:


You also need the configured and located in /hive/sbin and added to

And this is true if you have only the srrv2 or srrv2 + extension board?

If so, I’m not sure what is meant by HIVE OS having built in support.

For some reason after imaging my rigs to the 0.5.53 image and upgrading to 0.5.56, my watchdog is no longer sending keepalives to the srrv2 and is causing the rig to reboot every 300 seconds. I disabled the watchdog function on the srrv2 until I figure out what happened.

Anyone else having issues with srrv2 watchdog and 0.5.53 image?

after the upgrade you can’t use /hive-config/watchdog_srrv2.txt it’s simply broken.
v 55 56 and 57 don’t work

If you have in hive/sbin and you edited everithng should work after a restart. I use the scrypt for ssv2 + EB

fix uploaded to github and will be included to next HiveOS release

This was just released according to the change log page:

0.5-58 2018-06-12
xmr-stak fireice-uk 2.4.5

So while there is no mention of a srrv2 fix, can I assumed it is included?

You are observant )))
Fix was uploaded to github earlier and did’t included to changelog. But fix is there )
Need to correct changelog and announce

I can confirm that the original method of using the /hive-config/watchdog_srrv2.txt config file is now working again under 0.5.58. Excellent!

What’s the device serial nr I should add to the watchdog_srrv2.txt file? Lsusb -v is not showing serial no for my watchdog. Also, for this to work, do I have to have Hashrate watchdog enabled via HiveOS web GUI?

Everything works with my watchdog as in this forum thread, but the system hangs daily and it doesn’t automatically reboot.