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Settings for my AMD Cards Mining Rig

I need help to set up a stable OC for my cards i tried so many settings, but either it crashes or gives out invalid shares… i would like to mine on the ethermine pool with phoenix but there where the most problems, i can get it to work with hiveon pool with no oc settings but takes alot more watts+less hash

No oc = bad oc. Start with the popular presets, and tune to your specific cards.

I tried the whole last night, now i got this to work since 6 hours… i hope it stays stable is it possible to get out more? where should i start, mabye bios mod?

First get the oc right for your cards then you can check for bios mod.
The 6800 xt consume each around 60w to much.
The 5700 xt around 30w each.
Here in the forum are so many good oc’s you can try!

This is my 5700 oc:

Thanks! i´ll try them out and search for other OCs for the 6800, as far as i could tell the gigabyte one was the main problem but after i flashed the stock bios again it got stable.

does the OC from other cards affect other cards? i temperd with the 6800 oc and got them better watts but now card 6 likes to crash again and goes to 0 MH/s .

Are you on the newest drivers? (5.11.1001)
If not update your OS
The amd 6xxx series is sometimes buggy with other 6xxx cards. Otherwise lower the mem oc of the card with trouble.

Yes, i am at thje newest drivers. its only the gigabyte 5700xt, so i should try your settings but lower the mem mhz for that specifc card?

Yes. Lower mem or higher voltage.
Post a new picture of your settings it’s easy to see what’s wrong

I have this now, testing. mabye it crashes in 10 minutes again… i also have the feeling when i temper with the asus 5700 the gigabyte one somehow crashes

5700xt is very picky card!
i had similar problem, every time i mess with the settings, the whole rig crashes
my solution was…i adjusted the PL ( power limi) to 128
Fan - 75 but it all depends on the environment where the rig is
everything else is 0

i am not geting optimal speed - 50.6mh but the card is not running hot and that is very important for me, in order to have it mine for longer period.

The other solution to this card, is to flash another BIOS - which is more complicated and you should ask somebody that has done it before, or read the forum carefully!

Good luck!

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