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Setting number of GPU's in worker to "0"


Is there a way to reduce number of gpu’s in worker to 0 ?? so none is displpayed on status page.

I Have test rig on wich I ocasionaly plug card for few hours and then i plug it back to rig leavinig test rig with 0 GPU’s, but in setings it wont let me to reduce number og GPU’s to 0.

Also what criteria need to be meet to deactivate rig, there is such option in advenced worker setings but it is disabled so i canot click it.

Go to your Rig in the Hive Dashboard.
Settings Tab, halfway down, put in “0” and then update the rig.

It wont let me, i know where to change it, but when i enter “0” it says: Invalid value

Leave the field blank then press update.

THX, it worked :wink:

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Why you wanna do this? :man_shrugging:

CPU only miners?

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Beaocuse i have test rig and after removing gpu from it I wanted it to have 0 GPU’s in hive overview :slight_smile:

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