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**SERIOUS** SK hynix VRAM on the RTX 3060 ti is terrible


yes im on 470.74
latest hive and nvidia drivers
do you have any estra configs in miner itself

I have also Gigabyte try with this

-400 1800 140

Is it stable ? I got only 38 with Hynix

hi this is my 3060 ti lhr hynix by asus
inicially had some trouble to set it go, but its alive
it oscilates between 40 to 45 mh/s


need help with my new card Palit 3060Ti LHR, I am using NBminer v.39.5. Today I added to my rig this card, already have two 3060 LHR with samsung memory - everything was ok, but this Palit can go just 16-20mhs, anybody have any idea what to do with it ?

Try CORE : 1410 ; MEM : 2000 ; PL : 140

Para tener esos valores de MH/s, que version de nbminer estan usando y con que driver?

y con que version de gminer, algun argumento? y los drives?

I have bought one Gainward RTX 3060Ti Ghost with Hynix Memory, after instaling it on Test Rig yesturday and few hours of testing i got stable 40 MH/s with Gminer v.2.70, with 460.91.03 driver

Power oscilates 96-145 W as shown on picture.

If i push memory past 2300 OC it crashes

Also tried TRex, NBminer and LoLminer but got worst resluts,
TRex crashes with much lower OC then Gminer

Bro, which miner and version you are using. Please share it will be helpful.

Literaly all info is in post above, there is miner version, driver version , exact card type and OC, what more info you need , just read it ;p

Update drivers to latest, update hiveos to latest, try lolminer v1.33 and put your cc at 1400 (some cards like weird ones like 1350, some more 1420, I run 1400 works magic), start your mc at 2000, see how stable it is, then go down by 50 if not stable. PL at 130w, I have external fans to cool down rig so fan % is your choice. Try it, you should get stable 44-46mh, also first 5-10minutes dont change OC unless it crashes, it does some calibration process first minutes, then runs stable. Good luck, hope it helps (came to conclusion after much error and trial).

My 3060ti MSI ventus hynix , with driver 470.63 and Gminer 2.70 quite stable with this oc. been running more than 1 hour eth with 39-42MH

pudiste mejorar el power. me pasa lo mismo, pero no logro solucionarlo.

After moving that 3060ti Hynix Card to target rig (with mix of cards 2x 2070 2x 2060S 1x 3060 V1) and some additional tests I ended with:

41.99 MHs, LolMiner 1.34, N 470.74 driver and 0.6-210@211018-2 hiveOS

Core locked at 1350 MHz
Memory at +1600 MHz
PL without change, it is bouncing between 130-144W

CARD is Gainward RTX 3060Ti Ghost LHR


Maybe could help someone:

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For Hynix …Core at 1600 mem at 1800 PL 165
Try out…

these setting worked for me perfectly, i am getting around 40.86 MH/s with 3060ti (hynix card).

the only thing i have observed is increase in power consumption for some extra Mh. I am coming from gminer and i used to get 38+ Mh/s (1400Core 1800Memory 130 PL)

I have a 3060 ti msi gaming x, it threw 34mh at most. Install a 3060 ti ventus lhr bios and now it outputs a stable 43mh @ 99w.

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