I have a problem.
I have a Sapphire Radeon RX 570 8192 MB - which is supposed to mine RVN or ETC.
I have already flashed the BIOS using Polaris Bios Editor. It was apparently also accepted, because I see a difference to the original file when I download it again.
The value Max Memory Freq. (MHz) has changed from 2200 to 2300MHZ.
In the hive itself have the following settings for RVN:
Core Clock, Mhz: 1150
Core State, index: 5
Core Voltage, mV: 870
Memory Controller Voltage, mV: empty
Memory Clock, Mhz: 2000
Mem State, index: empty
Memory Voltage, mV: 850
Fan, %: Blank
Power Limit, W: empty
As Minder I use the Teamredminer.
Unfortunately I only get 5.016 MH in the hive and an AVG of 4.77MH/s in the pool.
In ETC, I can’t get past 17MH/s.
I have seen on the internet that I should be able to get a much higher speed.
Can anyone help me?