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Sapphire Pulse RX 580 8GB displays RX570 4GB under HiveOS Maintenance Mode

Hello everyone,

I have a problem with a used card that I bought.
When I plug the card into my RIG, the RIG no longer starts.
So after my research I went into the maintenance mode of HiveOS, my card which is a Sapphire Pulse RX 580 8GB displays RX570 4GB under HiveOS Maintenance Mode

I have tried changing the BIOS but there is still the same problem.

I mine ETH, I activated 4G decoding on my motherboard.

My setup:
MSI B450-A Pro Max motherboard
AMD Ryzen 5 1600 processor
Crucial 4 GB RAM
Corsair HX1000 power supply

Has anyone ever had the same problem?

Thanks for your help and happy mining everyone

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