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RX6600 (non-XT) random offlines

So there seems to be an issue with non-Xt 6600 and Hive. There have been numerous of people (Facebook Hive Unofficial) who’s rigs seem to randomly go offline. Few things we have complied so far:

All Use HiveOs
All Use 6600
Different Miners (TRM, Nb, Gminer)
Different Brands (Each system was unique)
Different MOBOs
Different OCs

All go offline around similar times and days. I’m going to compile more screen shots of these issues but was hoping others have had the issue here as well.

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if the rig is still on but not connected, what does the rig show when its offline if you hook a monitor to it?

I haven’t had a chance to connect to it, usually happens in the middle of the night. The issue is that we have all been going offline for a bit, the same days around the same time.

Ran shell though no miner logs

Next time it happens connect a display and see what’s going on, see if it’s losing network connection or locking up etc.