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RX580 weird issue

So I’m experiencing a somewhat odd issue… I’m really hoping there’s a software solution to this but here we go…

I repasted and repadded one off my Sapphire RX580 4GB (Elpida) and when I put it back into the rig it shows up but it doesn’t display any info. I’m using a BTC-S37 board and it’s working fine with all the other cards. I tried putting the card in my stationary computer and it doesn’t show up in windows.

In overview it shows up like this, I included one of the working cards for comparison.

It shows up like this in GPU hub

It gets even weirder as I can flash the card with differentet vbios and download them from card verifying that they’re not fuzzed/f#cked up. My fear is that something has broken on the card like the IMC or anything related to memory. My reasoning for this would be that the card doesn’t show the amount of memory on the card however it displays the correct VBIOS and the VBIOS seem to be intact (all timings and voltage settings are equal to my other 5 cards).

Any help or insight here would be greatly appreciated, hoping that I won’t have to send this to be repaired.

When digging through the logs I found this, not sure what to think of it. Seems to be some kind of kernel error but by that logic my other 5 GPU’s of same make should not work either?

Hi I am having the same issue though with 8G card. Let me know if you have made any progress.
thank you. btw: i was able to flash the card back to the original bios but with no improvement. Still no hussing.

From digging around it seems to be reminiscent of

it makes kind of sense that it would be a PCIe lane that is glitchy. I inspected the card and I can’t see any really broken lanes, I will however look into refurbishing or restoring the PCIe lanes on the card…

thx, though I am testing it with the riserless mb with the same outcome

Yeah same here… Starting to suspect something is actually broken…
Two different motherboards and two different OS’s definitely leaning towards malfunction.

HiveOS detects it, Windows is clueless afaik.

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