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RX 5700 XT Red Devil Cards - Low Hash Rate (700KH)

Looking good for now :slight_smile:

nice job 96w too very good power consumption ,temps look good too

thank you both very much for the feedback and assistance.

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Put your fun’s at 50% 60% low your temp a litle bit…
Wery good looking rig… Happy mining!!!

For your gigabyte card…GPU 7 you have rev 2 bios?
If you have it do your mod the bios with Rev1 (because rev 2 is locked bios ) and upload to your card?
Your mod is copy staps from 1550mhz and ref value in to it?


yes its the modded bios withs straps copied from 1550

ok Thanks for answer…

its been running for more than 24 hours and I just put it out in the garage. Getting really good temps.

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I used the settings above. They are awesome. I was able to hit 55.62MHs. However I am getting invalid shares. Why would that be? Are you getting the same thing?

Everything works for me and there are no errors. I am using Phoenixminer. Now I try Teamredminer and everything works on it too, but it produces a little less.

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