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RX 570 low hashrate SOLVED

Here is the GPU
Gigabyte RX 570 Gaming 4G (Hynix mem)

Stuck with low hashrate at 18Mh max. Nothing helped. Then the reason was found. Default stock bios had very low Power Limit, only 90w, so the card could not run at required clocks.

Changing Power Limit to 128 totally solved the issue.

To my understanding in Windows AfterBurner can raise that power limit from interface, but in Linux please check your cards when you flash timings. If you later set manual OC clocks to core and mem then you don’t need PL to be low, you will limit it by your clocks and power states.

Problem 18mh, stock bios (

Solved 29.5mh + pasc280

1 Like

Здравствуйте, можно биос, у меня больше 25 не получается

Добрый день, скиньте пожалуйста биос и скрин настроек в hive os пожалуйста какие у вас стоят по данным картам, у меня такие же карты пока 17-22 м-хеш скачет туда сюда не прошитые. и какую температуру у вас держат карты при такой мощности?

Сам мучаюсь с несколькими 570ми на samsung’е. Чип [email protected]в, память [email protected]в. DPM/Core state 3/4. Тайминги пробовал родные от 1500 до 1750, и не родные uber и все, что нашлось на просторах, в т.ч. и от 580 на samsung’e. Крутил TDP, TDC, Power limint - и как на скринах выше и по всякому - разницы не заметил. Стабильный максимум 26.5-27.0eth+280-290pasc. С eth+Decred выходит чуть ближе к 28.0 mhs.

Создается устойчивое мнение, что это троле-фейк про 470/570x 30MHs и такое возможно только на 480/580x картах.

Кстати, есть еще две 470 4GB на hynix - тоже проделывал все вышеописанное - 26.5-27.0 максимум.

С помощью хинта DimaFern, обновленного PolarisBiosEditor (который для samung’а самостоятельно меняет набор таймингов на Uber31 + strap 1500) и 0.5-29 обновления с Claymore Dual 11.00 удалось получить 28MHs на 1900MHz.

I copied the bios settings above and set my time straps, but I am still getting 20-22 mh/s on my MSI Armor 570 4gb (Hynix). What overclock settings are you using?

Core clock: 1100
Core state: 1
Core Volt: 970
Memory clock: 2080

= 20 MH/s

Core clock: 1300
Core state: 2
Core Volt: 980
Memory clock: 2100

= 22 MH/s

kevbot For straps you can try [One Click Timings Patch] button in latest PolarisBiosEditor. Look twice in TDP, TDC and Power Limit fields on pictures above.

sselesnse, I did use the “one click patch” button and also updated the TDP,TDC, and power limits in the bios as well. What are your overclock settings in Hive?

stable 27+ MHs + PASC/DCR
msi 470 4gb hynix - 1100/3/950/1900
xfx 570 8gb samsung - 1100/4/900/1900

Thanks sselesnse, I tried both OC settings but it drops the 570 down to 17-18 MHs. I’ll reach the bios and make sure it looks good.

So my Bios looks good from what I can see, any ideas why I cant get past 22 Mh/s?

Any ideas, I have been messing around with the OC settings but cant get it higher than 22. Maybe I need to reflash the card.

So in HiveOS it says my memory is Hynix but in polaris it shows elpida, should that make a difference? I am copying my timing straps and adjusted my bios to a couple I found online but still cant get the card past 22

Здравствуйте, стал обладателем нескольких карт Gigabyte RX 570 Gaming 4G Samsung, отправил один с вариантов биоса и уложил карту, подскажите есть варианты ее установить. Система HiveOS грузится, майнер отключил но подвисает. Какие есть варианты востановить карточку. Большое спасибо.

Please read at least few forums before flashing …

Most of card have this memory vendors - Hynix, Samsung, Micron, Elpida.
One bios can include memory sections for few memory vendors (on scree above there is dropdown, and memory timings include two sets).

If you notice, on screenshot above, section for memory timings include two lists - 1: & 2:
If you want to increase hashrate for elpida you should update timings for elpida list, if for hynix - hynix list.

I can be sure in list ordering, so basically put mining timings into both sections (1750+).
Then boot on default memory Mhz, and rise it step by step.

As for dead Gigabyte RX 570 Gaming 4G Samsun g -
Просто подключи ее к системе и загрузись - должен увидеть нечто типа Unknown Device. Прошей родным биосом и будет норм. Если не поднимется под линуксом, пробуй винду, предварительно удалив драйвера на RX.

I need help, it says AMD settings applied with errors, when I apply, these settings. Just installed the new RX 570, was running fine with the RX 560

{ “index” : 5, “intensity” : 500, “worksize” : 8, “affine_to_cpu” : false, “strided_index” : 2, “mem_chunk” : 18,
“comp_mode” : true },
{ “index” : 5, “intensity” : 500, “worksize” : 8, “affine_to_cpu” : false, “strided_index” : 2, “mem_chunk” : 18,
“comp_mode” : true },

get this in the console.

HTTP Daemon failed to start.
xmr-stak exited, waiting to cooldown a bit

Goes for a few blocks then freezes.

login as: user
[email protected]’s password:
Linux estak02 4.10.17-hiveos #1 SMP Sun Dec 10 08:48:43 EET 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2 6.8G 4.9G 1.6G 76% /

13:53:51 up 3 min, 1 user, load average: 4.50, 2.13, 0.83

00:02.0 Intel Corporation HD Graphics 530 (rev 06)
0 06:00.0 Radeon RX 570 (4096M, 113-57045EHB1-W90, SK Hynix H5GC4H24AJR)
1 07:00.0 Radeon RX 560 (4096M, xxx-xxx-xxx, Unknown Micron)
2 09:00.0 Radeon RX 560 (2048M, 113-C98121-H01, SK Hynix H5GC4H24AJR)
3 0c:00.0 Radeon RX 560 (2048M, 113-C98121-H01, SK Hynix H5GC4H24AJR)
4 0d:00.0 Radeon RX 560 (2048M, 113-C98121-H01, SK Hynix H5GC4H24AJR)
5 0e:00.0 Radeon RX 570 (256M, 113-57045EHB1-W90, SK Hynix H5GC4H24AJR)
6 0f:00.0 Radeon RX 560 (2048M, 113-C98121-H01, SK Hynix H5GC4H24AJR)

=== Commands FAQ ===
miner - shows running miner screen
miner start | stop - starts or stops miner obviously
agent-screen - shows hive client agent
Ctrl+A, D - detach from screen (miner or agent) so it will be working in background
selfupgrade - upgrade hive from repository
firstrun -f - force rig setup, you will enter ID and password again
wifi - to setup WiFi if you have one
net-test - check your network connection
gpu-fans-find - find GPU by spinning fans
logs-off - for USB Flash Drives move logs to RAM

root@estak02:~# miner
[2018-04-14 13:51:19] : Device 5 work size 8 / 32.
[2018-04-14 13:51:19] : OpenCL device 5 - Load precompiled cod from file /root/.openclcache/b811c23eba25a910992cf0fd730e0427a581b63fe7a05ad40faab24a19e4bf22.openclbin
[2018-04-14 13:51:19] : Device 6 work size 8 / 32.
[2018-04-14 13:51:19] : OpenCL device 6 - Load precompiled cod from file /root/.openclcache/8ad653ee7789c0d3a0050d8180fb182d9a4636e3b065b6102a53fa2d6e501d08.openclbin
[2018-04-14 13:51:19] : Device 6 work size 8 / 32.
[2018-04-14 13:51:19] : OpenCL device 6 - Load precompiled cod from file /root/.openclcache/8ad653ee7789c0d3a0050d8180fb182d9a4636e3b065b6102a53fa2d6e501d08.openclbin
[2018-04-14 13:51:19] : Starting AMD GPU thread 0, no affinity.
[2018-04-14 13:51:19] : Starting AMD GPU thread 1, no affinity.
[2018-04-14 13:51:19] : Starting AMD GPU thread 2, no affinity.
[2018-04-14 13:51:19] : Starting AMD GPU thread 3, no affinity.
[2018-04-14 13:51:19] : Starting AMD GPU thread 4, no affinity.
[2018-04-14 13:51:19] : Starting AMD GPU thread 5, no affinity.
[2018-04-14 13:51:19] : Starting AMD GPU thread 6, no affinity.
[2018-04-14 13:51:19] : Starting AMD GPU thread 7, no affinity.
[2018-04-14 13:51:19] : Starting AMD GPU thread 8, no affinity.
[2018-04-14 13:51:19] : Starting AMD GPU thread 9, no affinity.
[2018-04-14 13:51:19] : Starting AMD GPU thread 10, no affinity.
[2018-04-14 13:51:19] : Starting AMD GPU thread 11, no affinity.
[2018-04-14 13:51:19] : Starting AMD GPU thread 12, no affinity.
[2018-04-14 13:51:19] : Starting AMD GPU thread 13, no affinity.
[2018-04-14 13:51:19] : CPU configuration stored in file ‘cpu.txt’
[2018-04-14 13:51:19] : Starting 1x thread, affinity: 0.
[2018-04-14 13:51:19] : hwloc: memory pinned
[2018-04-14 13:51:19] : Starting 1x thread, affinity: 1.
[2018-04-14 13:51:19] : hwloc: memory pinned
[2018-04-14 13:51:19] : Starting 1x thread, affinity: 2.
[2018-04-14 13:51:19] : hwloc: memory pinned
[2018-04-14 13:51:19] : Starting 1x thread, affinity: 3.
[2018-04-14 13:51:19] : hwloc: memory pinned
[2018-04-14 13:51:19] : Fast-connecting to pool …
[2018-04-14 13:51:19] : Pool connected. Logging in…
[2018-04-14 13:51:20] : Difficulty changed. Now: 20000.
[2018-04-14 13:51:20] : Pool logged in.
[2018-04-14 13:51:35] : Result accepted by the pool.
[2018-04-14 13:51:57] : New block detected.

[ estak02 ][ 0$(L) bash [ xmr-stak ] ][ 14/04 13:54 ]

now getting this error on console.

All fixed, thanks

Hi there. have the same error: HTTP Daemon failed to start.
xmr-stak exited, waiting to cooldown a bit.

how to fix?