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Run command in root

I’d like to be able to run a script on multiple workers using the “run command” option of hiveOS. Unfortunately the script need to be run in the root directory but the “run command” is set at /home/user.

I’ve tried to add different thing before my script but i doesn’t work:
cd && wget …
sudo -i && wget…
Id’ really appreciate some help.

PS: I can’t modify the script, its not mine and I wouldn’t be able to do so anyway :slight_smile:

can you try wget http://your-script-url -P / && bash /

Thanks for your answer but it still doesn’t work.

Even with my script in $HOME/scripts/“”

if I run this command in HiveOS:

$HOME/scripts/“” | bash

I get this error message:

bash: line 3: /home/user/scripts/“”: No such file or directory

It seems like there are no ways to get out of /home/user :frowning:

what script are you running?