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RTX 3080 GameRock OC - OC settings

Hello guys.

I am very new to mining and even to HiveOS. I’d like to ask for help with OCing RTX 3080 GameRock OC card please. Settings in MSI Afterburner look like on a picture but I am not sure how to duplicate them in HiveOS }I do have a problem with “Core clock - curved” setting. May I ask you for a help, please?

1.) Core Clock - Curve? (which value?)
2.) Memory clock: +3000 in HiveOS (should be 2x from MSI Afterburner value?)
3.) Fan speed: 50 (should be same, right?)
4.) Power Limit: 0

Thank you very much.

+3000 is too much, i do -200 core and +2400 mem, 225 powerlimit (HIVEOS) i get 99.91 mh/s


Thank you mery much.

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You’re welcome.

Sunt nou în domeniul mineritului.Am nevoie ajutorul vostru.
Doresc sa stiu daca sunt ok setarile pe care le-am facut pentru placile video? Este normal ca ventilatorul sa functioneze la 100%. Ma puteți ajuta cu o parere, va rog? Am atasat si o poza cu setarile facute.
Multumesc mult

I know everyone uses these setting Of mem above 2000
But I find if go above 1800 ish I get reboot on Phoenix miner I wondering if it’s NiceHash causing reboot
Any thing above 96mhs it becomes unstable on any card
Yet in windows I get 98/99 easily

Try using t-rex miner, that’s what i use, no issues running at 99 mh/s

Im using Phoenix miner with no issues and 99mh/s using 2400 memory. Have you updated all of your drivers and bios settings on your MB?

Hey guys, I’m having a problem. I got up to 98/99 MH/s. Phoenix miner on Hive pool with RTX 3080. Used Aorus Engine to overclock. But then I got MSI Afterburner because I always hear it’s better. Now I don’t know what happened but whichever I use, I can’t budge the mining from 86MH/s or below and it won’t go above 220w. I’ve uninstalled both overclocking programs and reinstalled them (separetely, together, one after the other). No overclocking settings at all are changing my MH/s or the wattage. Unless I change the fan power to lower it, then the hear goes from 50 to 55 and the MH/s goes down to 75-70.

I’m not an expert, obviously, does anyone have any ideas on what could be happening. There must be some sort of setting or profile stuck.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

You have to change your thermal pads, I had the same issue, and now I have my 3080 Gigabyte Vision OC at 99.80mh/s.

Hey man! Yeah! Thanks, I actually did last week. Got it up to 101.3 and stable!!! Insane

I’m using t-rex miner . with these oc . However I’m only getting hash rate of 70 Mh/s.

Can you let me know what needs to be done to increase the hash rate to 90’s ?

Your vram is thermal throttling :))

Does that mean i have to open the card and fix it ?

1200 core
2600 MEM
FANS 75%

I have 8x 3080 DDR6X and get between 96 and 99.8. I can’t get them any higher without it crashing at some point.
anyway point i am going to make is that each card performs differently with the exact same settings. this could be heating from the exhaust of one fan onto another card but i don’t think so. more likely degradation of the paste or just something inherent in the silicon somewhere.

I set min fan to 55% and the auto fan to take those that need it up to 90-100%… I’ve tried autofan with a lower setting and it doesn’t work for me. High auto fan usage then gives me some indication which cards are struggling.

my 3x best cards clock stable to MEM2400 and CORE1050. @99.8
all the rest i have on MEM1800 and CORE1030 and they are all stable at about 96.9

ambient room temp is about 23 celsius and i have 8x extra fans across one side of the rig and the 2x PSU venting to the underside of the outer GPUs

I want it all to go higher but have given up. what i have is stable and i think that is more important. at least until the warm weather in 2022 !!

How its work with Tarkov?

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