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Rtx 3060 Ti LHR on Ergo and Rtx 3070 No LHR

NBminer 3.92 in the new HiveOS update is working great here on my 3060TIs:


what’s ur oc setting

what’s ur miner

Hey man, did some more tweaking. This is what I’m running now.

2x 3060 TI MSI Gaming Z

0 → GPUC1250 / RAM2175 / PL113
1 → GPUC1290 / RAM2500 / PL113

Locking the clock with nvidia-smi. If I work with a negative offset it ends up in LHR being triggered after a while. Also more sensitive to LHR triggering due to temps with a negative offset, I think…

Bro, please i need you help. :slight_smile:
I was searching everywhere i have same cards.
Can you tell me drivers on card/update on hiveos/server(like nbminer/t-rex)
Thank you soo much. Sorry for the time.

Same here :wink::+1:

your overclock seems quite stable. i’m still struggling to achieve a good oc.

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I thought I have already best settings for this card (-500, +1800). I was wrong - thank You.

Strix needed a bit more power but 118 PL getting good results
60ti is LHR, 3070 are not. Using T-Rex for the miner

I share with you an image of my 3060ti LHR. Using T-rex and adding “lhr-tune”: “99” will automatically look for the best performance approaching 91.92%. See on the YT channel of Garawell Usta.

I can’t get one of my 3060 it’s above 137.5 MH on ERG. One I have doing 160.3. If I clock the memory above 2600 ok the bottom one it crashes. Anyone have any suggestions? I have the 3070ti doing around 184 MH/S. All 3 are Asus.

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