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RTX 3060 ti FE, Broken image/GA104 in hiveos

Hello, I got problem with my 3060ti.
When i was finish my rig with 3060/3060ti, I have change by this card voltage, so i put 300v to this card instead of 3090.
Now it have broken image in my pc and windows cant find the card - if i try undervolt in msi afterburn for example cant find too - but it work as an image.
And in hive os i still got GA104 and the rig cant find and mine on this card.
Have anyone some solution for this ? How it repair or something ? Change pads or repaste - is it help ?
I wont to get it to warranty, because the may give me back money and its 1/3 of really price what i bought it.

hi dear
your card bios has bin broken software
you can flash with special hardware your card bios and you can see resolved your problem.

Thanks for answer,
I had try it with nvflash to reflash the bios. And its didnt help, i try all availible version :confused:

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