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RTX 3060 Model 2504 (aka LHR v2) HiveOS Hashrate Limit's

tried those settings with a msi gaming trio X only got ~30
just for other peoples notes

same card, but after 5 minutes hasrate drops to 18 mh/s (Using nbminer last version)

I’m using miniz right now ill let it run a good hour and report back

Ok i let it run for 1 hours.

for now:

really bad hashrate.

1 hour later miniz 3060 gaming x trio with miniz

evga-samesettings-nbminer at 68

with miniz

i don’t understand.

you lost the silicon lottery?
could be drivers or version this is what I am using version

one is with dummy plug( the evga) other is direct connect to hdmi with riser

do you need dummy plug for v2?

At least I did. For some reason hiveos wouldn’t fully boot without it. It was plug in HDMI to a monitor or dummy plug it. Even with settings to use mobos with and without a monitor plugged in

Don’t absolute core ergo… I’ve tried multiple settings it’s not as good as - on the core.

Start with -502 / 2700 mem 117 power. You should be able to get into the 400’s without it popping ( dropping off and going back to 50/60’s). Give it a shot let me know how it works.

hi , i’m new here
3060v2 mining Ergo 114.8 stable on HiveOS
Nvidia 470.42.01 (not on hivefarm but with #nvidia-driver-update 470.42.01 will be downloaded direct from nvidia site)
goodlucky for all !

470.42.01 at those settings is a winner for me. Thanks!

Getting around 112-113 but it hasn’t dropped off yet, so that works for me.

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470.42.01 it’s a beta (21.06.2021)
maybe something was missed on the code ! :sweat_smile:

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Well, there was some trouble, after twelve hours it dropped off, and the LA (load average) on the CPU goes through the roof.

It was at 115 constant, on T-Rex. So I’m going to try nbminer, and raise the fans a bit. It’s only at 112, but just want it stable.

I think the driver was crashing - that’s why the LA went up.

Hello! I got the MSI 3060 ti (LHR) last weekend,
after testing it is not stable for ETH (RIG reported FM 170MH to drop 80MH) :exploding_head:
and ERG setting as below

This is what my runtime has looked like so far.
I’ve switched over to nbminer, for the 112.5, but trex was at 115.2 for that big stretch on the graph, then things went messy. It may have been the temps that caused problems, it ran fine at night, but didn’t like the day time.

as many say out there its a “silicon lottery”!
it took hours of observing, adding 50, 10 or 5, or pulling down these numbers.
base it on and make some adjustments.
my 3060v2 and 1060-3gb running very well with these settings

do you have setting for new driver? i use 460.91.03 and get only 106mhz