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Rtx 2060 oc hynix memory

How ur able to maintain so low temps with 40%fans

Yeah… I don’t know, how it is so low… but its working!!

One thing I just remember, usually Hynix memories works better with MClock with negative value…
Try to set up you MClock to -1004 and your CClock to something like 750! These values worked for me to my 1660S before I change the vBios to that MSI stuff to gain some MH.

Let us know if it works to you…

The 2060 are those 3 Leadtek at the pic…

Im running on hive os. Windows dint work with 6 2060 gpus till now always i get error blue death screen saying error code and restarts and gpus drivers in device manager are unstable it sometimes detects then it undetects automatically but but for 3 or 4 gpu it works better but when 5th gpy is connected this happens idk what wrong in doing… If can help me out it would be realy great

Ths !!

Hello guys,
after many hours of settings, crash, a lot of consumption, etc i find the best for my 8x 2060 Hynix memory.

Absolute Core Clock: 930
Memory Clock: -1004
Power Limit: 125w

28.29MH/s @ 80/90w

I tried a lot of miners, but the best with 0 crash is TREX miner, with 99.50% of share.

I am having the same issue. Running on 2000 now. Hope there won’t be any more errors.

You can set:
Core 1100
Mem 2700
PL 125
As the result 32.1Mh on NBminer and 32.3mh on Gminer


Is it stable @anthonydinh?

Am running:

Core: 930
Mem: -1004
PL: 125

Result: 29,11 Mh on phoenix miner.

I have those in a server case, so it is cooled by external fans.

Yes, You can try it

Mine stable for now with Hynix memory:

Core 1050
Mem 2000
PL 125
Fan 55%
Temp 51C

my OC settings looks like this, i do get the fan error on the 2060 runs for 2-3days and one fan error and then the 2nd fan error on a different card and the system hangs. stopping miner and shutdown and reboot good for another 3 days :smiley:

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Hynix memory just sets 1100 core and 2400 for mem (max). Samsung is 1050 core

RTX 2060 MSI OC 31Mh

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Some card can get around 31.53 mh/s Asus
Core : 1050
Memory : 1200
PL : Lock Core Voltate 700
Watt around : 89 Watt

Asus Dual Evo But l’am using windows

do you set delay oc ?

New Version Of TeamBlackMiner

Try play with the new version of TeamBlackMiner

TeamBlackMiner v 1.35

It’s the setting I’ve been using stable for a long time.
Gainward rtx 2060