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Rig 4 X 3080 has only been sleeping for two days, not mining [HELP]

A miner it has been working for several months has not wanted to mine for 2 days.
I didn’t change anything on it, I just noticed the cards were asleep. it used to be mined at 400mh / s and is now only printed by zzz. The cards consume 80-100W but have no load on them.

HDD is a flash drive, could that be a problem? But it boots up and can sees the cards.
I have restarted several times and upgraded already.
If anyone has an idea what the problem might be they would be very happy

Open the miner in shell and see what it says. Either in hive shell or shellinabox type miner and press enter.

Your overclocks could also use some work, switching to locked core clocks around 1080mhz and no power limit will use less power and make less heat.

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Hello fella,

Try setting up the watchdog feature.
There are plenty of guides on how to do so in Youtube.

I will send you the one I saw back in the days when I did not know anything about watchdog.
Please set it up if you didn’t already. It will help your rig mining even when sh*t goes wrong.

Take care :slight_smile:

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did you ever solved the problem ? im having the same problem righ now

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