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Remote Shutdown and Power | Home Assistant integration | Solar panels


I’m trying to figure out how to remote power on and shutdown my rigs. I currently run of solar and have to manually power on and off my rigs depending on the power output of my solar panels on the day.

I have integrated my solar panel output in Home Assitant, where there any way I can integrate shutdown and power up in home assistant with my rigs so I can automate this process? Does the Hiveos API allow of such functions?

If you use HiveOS you can remotely shutdown your miners.
You have to sign up for an account. in that account you add your miner rigs.
Once this is complete, you can go to the image i posted

below this image a pop up will show remoting the miner on, start, etc.
if you need remote turn on, you;ll have to turn to advance users.

Thanks for replying. I was looking to automate the switching process as I use solar to power my rigs.