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Radeon RX 6600 XT Micron Overclock Setting

Please do let me know, if you find out new settings! Thanks

I had my one working for a while with memory 1080 , pushed it 1090 and it crashed but few h later 1080 also crashed so I left it 1068… will let you know if I come up with any different settings

This is my Overclock Setting Micro and it works pretty well


Thanks for this setting :heart_eyes: Works even faster than on Windows.

Here is my overclock 6600xt vram micron. It work very well


Has any been trying those settings with Samsung memories on same cards?

1100 on core seems to be on a higher side. Or not?:thinking::face_with_head_bandage:

Nice, it work for me (RX 6600 XT Sapphire Nitro+ Micron GDDR6) | 31.92 MH / 58W (just a stable OC setting for now). Thanks!

Many vga of 6600 xt vram micron can increase mem but I think you should set stable oc setting first. After a few days of stable running, you can increase mem to get a good hashrate.
Core 935
VDD: 650-670, or higher
VDDCI : 670
Mem: 1060-1070(stable setting)
You can increase mem clock :1075-1090(higher settings)
But be careful and oc slowly. Oc high can be crash your Vga.


hai! can anyone help me with the 6600xt memory overclock? i can’t set the CORE n MEM. Once I change the OC then the notification about the card is not in correct state pop out.



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it works very fine with the samsung memory, still got no luck for the micron memory
thankyou !

Do you know a setting for
MSI Radeon RX 6600 XT Micron Overclock Setting its killing me now :frowning:

Also with this micron setting I’m using SoC Frequency=420 and SoC VDDmax=780

Hi, I’m having the same problem. I’ve tried several overclocks and I’m still not satisfied. Did you manage to find any that were good?

This is the best setup I’ve gotten so far. consumption was 62w now it’s 51w without any hashrate drop.
Please share yours for me to test.

So I’ve had a few of these cards for a little while now, I’ve settled on these clocks:

I tried lower core but one card became unstable and crashed every 12-24 hours, I also can get 1080 memory but anything beyond this is instantly unstable.

any one can share rx6600 xt xfx oc 210
and whats maximum temp accepted cour and memory in this time cuore 54 memory 64

excelente configuración antes de poner la rx 580 llegaba a los 32.60mh

I Have one card with Micron Memory(ASUS DUAL RX 6600XT)

Pleae find the OC settings here.

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