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Radeon RX 580 - SK Hynix H5GQ8H24MJR - AMD/ATI

Hello there,
without mod I get the following values.

Is there a mod and oc setting you can recommend?


The standard bios mob is ok. Download you stock bios and save it somewhere. Then download the polaris bios editor and load the stock bios and click one click bios mod. Save it after modification with different file name and the flash it to the GPU.

i mod with polaris bios but oc and error because i couldn’t system did not start :frowning:

Use the force bios flash to avoid flashing with errors and the start with OC settings 1100 core clock and 2000 memory clock. Then tweak them a bit

I just created a simular topic as I thought my card was faulty. I also have Hynix memory (gigabyte auros 8gb) it gives me standard if I don’t change anything 22,14 hash. The moment I overlock memory or touch any settings the hashrate goes down instead of going up.

I did to bios flash to improve memory timings but it made no difference at all. Let me know how you progress with finding a solution. Would love to get this towards 30 hash

Same issue with me

SK Hynix H5GQ8H24MJR 113-1E366CU-S52 22mh/s then any touch to OC will take it down

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