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Quadro RTX 4000 OC failed

Dear Community,

I would like ask about your support in order to get to work NVIDIA OC working in hiveOS worker.

I am continuously getting below error message:

NVIDIA OC failed
Tue Dec 28 02:18:59 EET 2021

Detected 1 NVIDIA cards

CLOCK : 600
MEM : 2200
PLIMIT : 120
FAN : 100

ERROR: Error resolving target specification ‘’ (No targets match target

  •   specification), specified in query 'GPUTargetFanSpeed'.*


=== GPU 0, 01:00.0 Quadro RTX 4000 7982 MB, PL: 0 W, 0 W, 0 W === 02:18:59

  • SET GPU CLOCKS: 600 MHz*
  • Max Perf mode: 4 (auto)*
  • Attribute ‘GPUGraphicsClockOffset’ was already set to 0*
    ERROR: The attribute ‘GPUMemoryTransferRateOffset’ specified in assignment
  •   '[gpu:0]/GPUMemoryTransferRateOffset[4]=2200' cannot be assigned (it*
  •   is a read-only attribute).*
  • Attribute ‘GPUPowerMizerMode’ (kalatosy_koparka:0[gpu:0]) assigned value*
  • 1.*

Do you have any idea what more I need to do in order to make it running? I already have tried to update GPU bios, have nevest hiveOS and NVIDIA drivers.

Thank you in advance for you advises.


What kernel are you running?

Hi there! Thank you for quick response.

Karnel: 5.10.0-hiveos #83
Nvidia: 495.46 I have tried on the older one but no luck

Have you tried setting some more traditional clocks? 600 core may be too low to even set on that card, if you try say, 1000 core and 1000 mem to start does it still error after a reboot?

Unfortunately same error message:

What is interesting HiveOS cannot also get or change current speed of fun. In the overview tab there is always 0

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