Hello guys, I need your help. One of my rig just throw issues when booting to hiveos.
It cannot boot when I install 1 to 4 pcie splitter. works fine when i remove the splitter. It works fine before and I didn’t change anything. One day my rig shutdown and not able to boot anymore.
- MSI B560M A pro
- Intel G6400 + 8GB Ram
- This motherboard has 2 1x slot and 1 16x slot.
- GPU: 3x RTX 3060 Ti on splitter + 2x RTX 3080
- on latest hiveos stable: Hiveos-0.6-217-stable
- Kernel: Linux kernel: v5.10.110
What I have try:
- Setting bios - Enable/Disable Above 4G, Enable/Disable Resize-able bar support
- Setting boot to UEFI
- Cycling splitter to across pci slot location (putting splitter on x16 also give me freeze/hang on boot)
- Reflash SSD with hiveos latest image couple of times
- I have one other rig, using same configuration bios and hiveos and works fine. Only this rig give me trouble.
- plug only 3 GPU without splitter, boot normal, mining normal
- plug only 1 GPU on splitter, boot normal, mining normal
- plug 3 GPU, 1 on x16 and 2 GPU on splitter, hang on hiveos boot. (screenshot below)
Does anyone have a clue what is going on with my rig?