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Powering 3070Ti with two 1x8pin pcie cable or one 2x8pin pcie cable


I recently bought a 3070Ti and I don’t have a 2x8pin power cable for that card. I bought a brandless cable but this doesn’t turn on the GPU. I test the card with the original cable and works so I figured out that the cable is bad.

I have two pci-e 1x8pin cables.

Could I power the GPU with these two cables instead of one 2x8pin? This would overheat my card? This setup would put at risk my card?

Thanks in advance.

Separate cables are better than a single cable

Thanks @keaton_hiveon !
Are you sure that this won’t overpower my GPU?
Do you know why are better?

The gpu will draw x amount of power no matter what cables are connected. The more cables the less draw per cable.

Nice thanks a lot!

I hope this will help others in the future.

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